#5 "Playful Love" // @angieeramz

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My head pounded so heavily. It felt as if my brain would crack through the skull at any given moment, taking me to a slow excruciating death. And though I wanted the pain to stop, I had to keep going. I had to keep scanning through text book after text book if I wanted to pass. I needed to pass.

The moment I had read through the last chapter of my astronomy book I set it off to the side and then readjusted myself in the rather uncomfortable chair. Lifting my head up, I briefly scanning the quiet room of the library around me. My head was still aching with the thoughts of what I just read that I almost didn’t notice the eyes staring directly at me from across the room.

 I’ve seen those eyes so many times before. Trying to be sneaky as they secretly watched me, but each time I caught them. I caught him. With my eyes directly on him I lifted a single finger up and motioned for him to come over. He then just realized that he was caught, as he slowly stood up and picked up his books. Then with his head hung low he slowly made his way over to me.

It was mere moments before he had placed his books on the table and sat down in front of me.

“Guess I’m not as sneaky as I used to be” he shrugged, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

“Louis, I’ve told you, I’m too busy to see you this weekend because of finals” I whispered to him. This time he rolled his eyes.

“I know, that’s why I came to see YOU” he put more emphasis on the last word than needed.

“Louis, I can’t focus with you here” I stated simply.

He slowly leaned across the table, taking both of my hands in his for a brief moment.

“I know, babe, that’s why you just have to pretend I’m not here” he said, getting out of his seat.

“where are you going?” I asked.

“I’m going to go and pretend I’m not here, watch as I vanish and you won’t be able to see me!” he said running away from the table and into one of the bookshelves.

“Louis get back here!” I whispered-yelled, as I got out of my chair and headed towards the book shelf.

“Sorry, no Louis here! Please leave your message after the beep…BEEP!” Louis called out, as he walked backwards for a moment then turned around and darted away.

With a groan I began to chase after him, darting through the shelves in incognito, as if I was some sort of spy chasing after the villain. Louis eventually began to get farther and farther away from me and I was on the verge of just giving up.

“Louis, please! I need to study” I begged out, hoping no one else would hear me besides him.

A moment later I felt arms snake their way around my waist and I slowly turned around, being met with a pair of blue eyes.

“only on one condition” he whispered, grinning brightly at me.

“whats that?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“You have to tell me that you love me” he said simply.

“I don’t know if I can do that” I shrugged, and he frowned. “I’m kidding, I love you, more than you could ever imagine” I whispered at his ear.

“I love you too, Angie, to infinity and beyond” he said, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. And then as if it was on cue the librarian walked into the book shelf that we were stood in. She glared at us till the moment we pulled away and my face was bright red.

“You two better get out of here right now. This is no place for your hormones!” she said angrily.

“Calm yourself, were leaving!” Louis said, grabbing hold of my hand, then leading me back to the table where our books were.

The librarian trailed behind us the whole way, and stood with us till we gathered our books and left the library.

“Now where to study?” I groaned, and Louis laughed.

“I know a place, and I promise not to distract you” he said, before briefly placing a final kiss on my cheek as he lead me to his car sat at the curb.

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