Chapter 2

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Sorry about a short last chapter! I just wanted you all to meet Sophia! Longer chapters to come!

Here I am now, a year later, and I have killed 18 people. 18 men. All because I was paid to. That's right, I'm a assassin. Trained since birth. By my brother, Sam.

"Sis?" He asks from the other room.

"Yeah, Sammy?" I ask walking away from my book, into the computer room, where he sits in front of the computer looking closely at a job file.

"I got something for you."

"A new sniper? I've been dying for the new one by Winchester."

"No but with the money from this job you could afford it," he replies with a slight excitement on his voice. My brother is the sweetest, happiest person you will ever meet. Surprising considering he's an assassin.

"How much? And how hard?" I ask, I was always the one who killed people so I was always anticipated high paying jobs little less than him.

"5 million and on a scale from 1 to 10, I'd say it's a six," damn. 5 million is a lot, and a 6 isn't hard at all, I was anticipating a nine.

"Consider it done."

Now comes the time to get ready. The location is a ball, classy. As I strap my skin-tight black body suit on, I notice the emblem of the agency I worked for. Just above the heart. My fingers trace it for a second, remembering the only home I really ever had. My fingers tighten and rip it off. I don't work for them anymore. I strap a knife to my lower back and a gun to my thigh. I slip a loose purple dress on and do my makeup. Just as I step out of my room my brother sees me and smiles. Proud of his baby sister. I walk up to him.

"So, this guy, who is he?" I ask harshly. It's important to know who you're fighting.

"David Copperberry. Ex-FBI agent. It would seem quite a few people have a grudge against him. He sent countless assassins to their deaths and one of them was, well, just take a look," he says as he hands me the file on him. I look over some of the assassins he killed, some just names I vaguely know the owners of, others I have no clue who they are and then I see it. About halfway down the list is the name of someone I used to know. Someone I might have loved, if only given more time with them. Jacob Smith. My old boyfriend. At first it was just a cover-up that worked well  for the both of us. But it grew.

"Jacob," I say barley audible.

"Sophie, I knew that this would hurt you. But I also knew that it would motivate you. You've been searching for the guy who killed him for years. And now you have him. You need to kill him, if not for the money, then to let Jacob rest in peace," he's right. I know he is. It's just so hard.

*three hours later*

"Sophia, Sophia, Sophia. Why would you ever try to kill me?"

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