The Door

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I arrived at Abigail's house and nobody was home.So I ran to the backyard and attempted to open the back door.It slid open as easy as butter.I walked in and noticed her grandmother crying,Her grandmother is her legal guardian because her parents abandoned her as a baby."What's Wrong Ms.Ferraro?",I said."She's gone" Ms.Ferraro said,"Who is?" I exclaimed."Abigail is gone",She screamed in tears.Her I tears flooded the room as I ran up stairs and examined Abigail's room.That's when I found her note.Dear nana, I haven't been feeling myself lately so I ran away with my Friend.She said she would help me, I will be back just not for a little while.Thats when I realized when she was upset she ran to Tiffany(The Popular Girl).She refused to talk to me for the first week then she shut me out completely.I thought I was shut out by her,but she locked herself behind the door.

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