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All the doctors started running in..
"GET OUT!!" They yelled at me.
My eyes started watering and tears came pouring out.
I was standing there just staring, crying.
"We told you to get out!"
They push me out and and stand there looking through the door.
I can't stop crying.
This is the most I have cried my whole life, ever  since the accident.
*Justins flashback*
Justin and his mom & dad were driving in the car.
They were on their way to an amusement park.
Justin was listening to music,
"Justin," his dad said.
Justin took out his earbud.
"Yes?" He replied.
"Are you excited for the amusement park?"
Justin was mad at his parents because they got a note from his teachers about him failing his classes, and so they yelled at him and it made him upset.
Justin put his earbud back in and the heard a scream.
Once he looked up he was rolling down a hill in the car and then everything went black, next thing he knows he's in the hospital, and his grandma tells him his mom and dad passed away from their injuries.
Justin has never forgave himself for being mad at them
*flashback over*
"Justin!" I hear a voice behind me say.
"Oh hey," it was Maya's mom.
"What's wrong, i heard commotion!" She says.
I get cut off by her dropping on the ground crying non-stop.
"I don't want to lose her, please god!" she yells.
I help her up and open my arms for a hug.
I hug her the tightest I can and we cry into eachothers shoulders.
We go back into the waiting room, and are there the whole night.

At about 2 AM a doctor walks out to us.
I get out of my seat right away, and walk to him.
"Is she okay?" I instantly ask.
"She's alive, but she's still in a coma."
I feel relived.
"OMG THANK YOU!" Maya's mom says.
"Can I go see her privately?" I ask.
"Yes of course."

I walk into the room and go over by her.
She's so stunning it's amazing.
She's my everything, I can't lose her.
I bend down and kiss her.
Suddenly I feel her lips start kissing me back....

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