New Beginnings

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Chapter One... New Beginnings

I had never experienced a more hazy part of my life.

My mind was trying to focus on remaining conscious. However, I was struggling. I remembered hearing sirens, but then the next thing I could remember, I could hear voices. And they were nearby.

"... an utter mess," one male voice said as they came to a stop on the road. "What happened along here?"

"High speed crash, the witness said," the second male voice spoke. "Idiot teens. We have to get down there."

"Do you think there are any survivors?" a woman's voice said, sounding worried.

"It doesn't look likely," the second male replied, and I remembered thinking how grim his voice sounded.

Once again, I'd lost consciousness, as the next thing I remembered was being in the back of an ambulance.

"Woah! Hold still!" A voice said firmly, and I felt someone's hands on my shoulders. "You've been in an accident. We're taking you to the hospital. If you can talk, can you tell us your name?"

"Emily," I managed to gasp between breaths. Breathing hurt. Actually, as I thought about it, every inch of my body was in pain. And it wasn't pleasant.

"Is she alright?" another voice spoke. "I mean, from what they said about that accident--"

"Katrina, she's alive," the male next to me spoke, and I caught a small smile on his face. "It's honestly a miracle."

Unconsciousness swarmed over me once more, only this time, it was different.

I couldn't feel pain anymore. I was in a white place, where light and brightness surrounded me. I couldn't feel anything, except confusion.

"You aren't supposed to be here," a voice whispered, and I turned to see Jamie standing there, looking angelic. Odd, since he could be a troublemaker.

"Why not?" I asked, feeling even more confused. "How did I get here then?"

"It's temporary," Jamie smiled. "But you must go. Until we meet again..."

Waking up, I was in a room. I realised instantly it was the hospital. The white walls, and white ceiling, and white sheets on the bed I laid on kind of gave it away. I could feel pain again, only mildly, though. I felt a little numb, actually. Kind of like I was floating on a cloud...

I was definitely on some strong painkillers.

"You're awake," a soft voice spoke, and I looked around. At first, I didn't notice anybody there. Then, in the blink of an eye, Sammy appeared in front of me.

"You're alive," I breathed. "But... I saw the fire... you escaped..."

"No, honey, you're confused," Sammy smiled weakly. "The accident... thirteen people died--"

Sammy was cut off as the door swung open. I didn't seem to notice that Sammy had left the room at the same time. She moved fast, I had to give her that credit.

"Emily!" mom cried, walking through the door. "Thank God! Thank God you're alive!"

"Mom," I smiled, and she rushed over to hug me.

"Everyone's been so worried," mom wailed. "Kaycee's been hovering outside the last two days, she won't go home. She blames herself..."

"I wasn't getting in the car with a drunk, mom," I frowned.

"Kaycee said she wasn't drinking..." mom trailed off.

"She lied to you, then," I said coldly. "She drank more than I did, then drove home with Thorne and Brad. I wasn't driving, and I wasn't getting in the car with them, either."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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