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So I'm not going to update for a while because I got a REALLY DEEP CUT in my thumb and my whole hand hurts for some reason. It's very hard to type with my left hand so yeah.

So if you want to know how I got a huge cut on my thumb. My three year old brother Clive and I were running around my Mom's room and on the dresser there was a cigar cutter (picture above) on top of a DSI XL case which is slanted. Well I guess us running in there caused it slide down on the floor. Then Clive seen it and picked it up. I tried to take it away but my thumb got caught in the hole of the cigar cutter and my brother pushed the handle thing and the blade sliced my thumb. I pinched my brother's hand and he let go. I threw it and ran into the bathroom every to rinse it off. OMG IT BURNED. I thought it wasn't that a deep because it didn't hurt at first but only because of the adrenaline I had when I seen my brother have the cutter. So I reach for the toilet paper and blood squirts everywhere. I wrapped up my thumb and cleaned up my bloody mess. I ran to my mother she told me to lift the skin that's was cut and you can literally see my muscle in my thumb. She told me to get a cold rag and wrap it. Then my mother called my father ad told him he needs to be home so she can take me to the hospital. It took him literally two hours to get home and he works five minutes away. To mind you I'm non stop bleeding heavily. He gets home he looks at my thumb and says " She don't need no stitches.". My mother yelled at him saying "That meat is literally coming out of her thumb" and he lets us go to the hospital. We get to the hospital and we had to wait an hour till we got started on the stitches. I'm still bleeding like hell. My rag was a light green now it is a very deep red. The doctor thought it was originally red when she seen it. Mind you it been now three hours of me non stop bleeding and I'm anemic. They put two needle in my cut to numb it. I think Chuck could of heard me how loud I screamed. The doctor said it was so deep that it would have cut Clive's whole finger off.

I'm a little loopy from the blood loss and very low iron. I'm just going to say I feel bad for the Winchester's. I'm sorry for not updating.

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