Can We Talk

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Quinn's (pov)
The next day

     I slowly walked into to my room. "Hey. What are you doing in my room?" Rachel asked . "Can we talk?" I asked. "Your not dumping me right?" She asked "No can I sit?" She nodded her head. I sat. "What?" She asked. "I already asked you this..." she stops me. "You don't." She said. She took my hand. "It's hard I know that." She told me. "Did you have a say in who you lived with?" I asked her "because I was to stay withy dad and I think my mom wants me." I said. "I don't know I was 12." She said. I looked down. "Hey." She picks my head up and kisses me. I kissed back and smiled. "Everything will be ok." She told me. "Ok." I grind. I slowly moved in for a kiss. "I have to finish homework not kissing." And locked eye contact. "I love you." She told me as I walked to the door. I turned around and smiled. "Yeah." And ran out quickly.

Rachel's (pov)

     She ran out quickly. "And that's how you catch your girlfriend of guard." Next thing I know it she texts me saying "hey i'm sory I ran out I didnt kow what to say or do Even tho you tell me on dayly biases I love you too 😘" I read the text trying not to text back what she said with everything correctly spelled. Than she text me again "sorry for the spelling I cant spel." I just shake my head

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