One week with one direction

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Annabelle POV:

I shifted to the side of my bed 'please oh please pleeeeaaassseee just one week?" my annoying sister yelled in my ear 'fine but only one week" I putted my beats on I didn't hear a thing but when i stared at her she was doing her creepy dance I ran in the bathroom as quickly as I can 1) cause i didn't wanna face her dance any longer 2) she always hog the bathroom really this is the only time she didn't hog it in..........forever I stripped down my clothes and grabbed a blue polka dot dress with a belt and flats with a bow on it i turned to my sister"so im babysitting this kid for one week"I waited for an answer"uhh yeah just ummm take care of her for uh um a week"she giggled then stared back into her phone i grabbed my purse and stuffed it with all the supplies i needed i ran down the stairs and out down the street I knocked on their door and a tall blonde woman opened the door"you must be Anna belle hi um im Mrs.Cashian well all the imformation are in the  kitchen and my best friend son and his friends are in there they for some reason wanted to help soo if you need anything just give me a call"I nodded she letted me in and showed me where to sleep then said goodbye she closed the door i thew my purse on the bed and i grabbed my phone but before i could i heard beautiful singing coming from the basement i never gotted check that place out i slowly walked downstairs with confusion i went down the basement stairs and there i saw something i never beileved i would ever see

One week with one directionWhere stories live. Discover now