At Deviantart

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Bungle: a! again falling down. where am I? in DeviantArt. I see Putz in the computer typing for #Dumbwaystodie to search. and Bungle says: "HEY PUTZ!!!" Putz see Bungle was stuck on his computer. he is trying to escape this computer. and need to uninstall Bungle App.

Putz:! we can uninstall from my computer back to 2016 you need to pass 3 Years and you will be back to Live.

Bungle: Yeah Putz uninstall me!

Putz is gonna uninstall Bungle. and bungle is gone from his computer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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Bungle's Time Machine Ep. 1Where stories live. Discover now