Chapter 2-Telling Him

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I decided on telling Niall the truth. That I'm his ex best friend , Mykie (Margaux Kylie's nickname). I went downstairs and saw Niall watching t.v.

"Hey Niall" I said

"Hey Margaux Kylie" Niall said

"Do you remember me?"

"What are you talking about? I just met you a few hours ago"

"Do you remember Mykie, your best  friend?"

"Y-yeah, but how did you know about her?"

"Because I'm her"

"What!? How!?"

"I need to go back upstairs". I was about to walk away but I felt someone hugging me from behind. I felt safe in Niall's arms.

"I'm sorry for leaving you" Niall said while crying and I started crying too.

"I-I can't Niall, you left me at the times I needed you most" I went upstairs to our bedroom and cried until I fell asleep.

~Next Day~

I woke up because of noise downstairs. I stood up and went downstairs. When I arrived there I saw Erynn cooking breakfast.

"Hey Erynn" I said

"Hey Kylie" she said

"Where's Niall?"

"He's in the hospital" Bella said

"What!? How!? Why!?" I asked

"We were going to say goodnight to you but then we heard you talking to Niall and telling him that you're his ex best friend so we went back to our rooms. Later on we heard sobbing and we thought it was you so we immediately went to your flat, when we arrived there and we saw Niall sobbing. We don't know what to do so we went to the other boys' flats. When we came back with the other boys we saw no one. We searched the whole flat and we saw Niall in the bathroom. He's so pale and there's so many blood so we sent him to the hospital. The doctor said that he lost so many blood" they said

"I need to go to him" I said

"Okay" they said. I ran upstairs and took a bath. After my bath I picked my clothes. I took my zip front hoodie,skinny jeans and converse. I ponytailed my hair and I packed clothes for Niall. I went downstairs and told them that "Let's go to the hospital"

"Okay" they said. We went to the hospital, when we arrived there we quickly went to Niall's room. We saw the boys crying and we started crying too.

"What's Niall's blood type?" I asked

"A" Louis said. My eyes grew wide. we have the same blood type

"We have the same blood type" I said. They all gasped. "Where's the doctor?" I asked

"In the lobby"Liam said. I quickly ran to the lobby.

"Uhm....excuse me. Where's the doctor?" I asked a nurse

"Uhm.....who are you?" the nurse asked

"I'm the donor of Niall Horan"

"Do you want the doctor to personally take your blood or shall I do it?"

"I'm okay if you'll do it". She stood up and we went to a room. She made me lay down on a bed. I hate injections. I'm afraid of them. But I'll do this for Niall because he is and was a part of my life. As my fake boyfriend and as my best friend when we were kids. The nurse put the injection on me.

"I have to go and help the other patients . I'll be back at 4" the nurse said. With that she left the room. I decided to sleep because I felt my head ache.

~Skip Time~

I woke up and saw the nurse taking off the injection on me.

"Good afternoon. You're finally awake" The nurse told me

"Good afternoon too. Am I done?" I asked

"Yup and you may go to Mr.Horan's room" she said. I stood up and went to the comfort room to pee. After peeing I went to Niall's room. When I arrived there Niall was awake. I quickly went to him and hugged him.

"Don't you ever do that again" I told him while crying.

"O-okay" he said. The boys and girls left the room and Niall and I were the only ones left.

"Why'd you do that?"

"I-I did that because I'm so stupid for leaving you" I was about to say something but I was interrupted by Liam saying "I got a text from our manager Niall, for you too Margaux"

"What does it say?" I asked

"It says that you two have to kiss in public to show the people that you two are together. And you have to do it when Niall gets out of the hospital"

"What!?" You have got to be kidding me.

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