Chapter 7

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     There was no loud boom or big fire. Well, at least there was no hot burning sensation coursing through my skin. Maybe I’m already dead. Maybe this is how it feels when you’re dead. You feel peace and light hearted. A little voice, the same voice just now, behind my head is telling me to open my eyes. The voice is starting to sound familiar. A guy’s hoarse voice. David’s voice.

          “Open your eyes, Claire!” He said again.

     I was shaking my head when something cold and slimy was wiped on my cheek. I shivered and involuntarily opened my eyes at the sudden coldness. A sudden bright light greeted my eyes when I opened them. There was a loud commotion going on and there are a lot of vehicles stopping at the streets around the park as if hoping to see what is going on. I could hardly hear anything though. Partly because I do not care and partly because we’re alive! That is the only thought currently occupying my mind, we’re alive!

          “We’re alive!” I finally blurted out.

          “No, silly. This is heaven.” Alley said beside me while shrieking trying to avoid David’s sticky hands.

     I stood up and panicked. “Heaven?! You mean we’re dead?!” I couldn’t be dead! I did not even feel any burning sensation on my skin, or smell any smoke. I did not hear a loud explosion sound!

          “Don’t worry, Claire. She’s kidding.” David stood up and offered me his hands.

     I looked at his sticky and slimy hands and shook y head fast. “I’d rather not.” He looked offended so I gestured to his hands. His mouth shaped into an O telling me that he knew what I meant.

     Ring! Ring!

          “I think that’s my phone.”Alley said as she excused herself to pick it up.

          “You were great.” David complimented once Alley had gone off a few steps away from us.

          “I believe I can stand on my own. Thanks for the compliment.”

     He laughed. “I wasn’t talking about your standing skills. I was talking about you bomb field disabling”

          “To be honest, I was really scared. Was it that hard when you had you ISA test?”

          “Actually, there was no bomb test on mine. But then again, your standard is different from mine.”

     Before I could answer, Alley came back saying we need to get in the white van in about thirty minutes. This gives us enough time to have a quick wash up.


    There was no explosion. Why was there no explosion!? The woman, now outside her car still holding her binoculars, asked herself. There was suppose to be a loud bang, or was it boom? I do not really care! She told herself. This is her last day of test. She wasn’t supposed to survive that explosion, no one was supposed to survive it or even disable it.

     She took out her black slim phone from the back pocket of her tight blue pants and dialled a memorised number.


     Twenty-five minutes later, I was knocking at the white van’s door for the fourth time today with David and Alley both at my side. However, instead of being greeted with Guntur’s usual grunt, he looked at us in a serious expression that something tells me we’re in a deep trouble. A knee-deep one, too. He alighted to make room for us to move in. He then closed the door and moved to the driver’s side to open the door and slotted in the car keys.

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