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John P.O.V

      I was reading a book about some kind of tool, when I heard heavy footsteps coming from outside my room. I looked up from my book as somebody emerged form the door. I saw Heather with a distressed look on her face, she was grasping for breath right in front of me. Before I could react she exclaimed, " They killed Kenny!" I stood up quickly, dropping the book onto the floor. " Why?" I questioned as I walked over to her. I started hugging her to comfort her. 

After a few seconds, she mumbled into my shirt, "We were walking back from Hungry Jack's, when these guys came out of an alleyway, they pulled us into the alleyway and one of them took out a gun. They asked us if we knew some guy called 'Cally Renning', we said no, but they must've sensed hesitation in Kenny's response. And you can guess the rest..."

Silence, at one point she left and I was left there standing. Kenny was pretty much my brother, we had gone through all of school together. Same with Heather, but she came later on. I sat down where I was before Heather came. Our cat 'Garfield' jumped onto my lap, and started sleeping. 

Hours passed...


  made this chapter

First chapter! Woohoo, *confetti*

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