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Discover a story? Oh "Discover my story"

You've come to the right place! This book is for those looking for new stories and those who want their stories to be discovered.

Hello and welcome to my library of undiscovered stories! I am one undiscovered wattpader who writes stories and so I thought maybe I could help people like me be discovered!

Here are some details you may want to know about how I promote stories:


For those people only looking for stories to read, go on ahead and view the promoted stories :)


For those people wanting a story promotion, this is how it works- After you have read the details, followed the rules, done the payment, and filled out the form, send me the form through a private message and a private message only. This should be strictly followed to avoid clutter in the comments section and so I can view your request easily. I will review your request and your story will be promoted soon. 

Also to help yourself earn more reads, votes, comments, and follows, you could share this PYSH book so more people will be able to view your story :)

Lastly, I might give your story a try. Only chosen ones will be given a vote, comment, and a follow so make sure to make your story sound appealing ;) BUT EVERYONE WILL SURELY BE GIVEN A PROMOTION (except those who didn't follow instructions)

Proceed to next chapter for the rules :)

Promote Your Stories Here! *OPEN*Where stories live. Discover now