Morning Cuddles

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Astrid's POV

I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I look up to see Monty's face snuggled into my hair, his arms rapped around me. I looked around and noticed Finn and Clarke were the only ones up. Octavia was cuddled into a ball and Jasper was laying close to Monty and I. I patted Monty's arm waking him up.

He groaned and snuggled deeper into my hair. I stifled a laugh and looked towards Clarke and Finn for help. They just laughed and carried on with what they were doing. I heard a yawn and saw Jasper waking up.

"Hey, Jasper," I whispered, catching his attention, "Can you help me out of here, buddy?" Jasper just laughed and tried to help me. When he would try to loosen Monty's grip on my waist, Monty would just grip tighter. I tried pushing him away from me which didn't work either. Octavia woke up and tried to help, which didn't work.

Finn finally came over and tried to pry Monty off of me, which caused Monty to grip even tighter. Clarke came over to help. They linked together, Octavia grabbing my waist, and pulled as hard as they could. Monty immediately let go rolling over and everyone else fell on top each other. Octavia screeched when I landed on top of her. Monty shot up instantly, looking around trying to find the source of the noise. Once his eyes landed on us, he quickly pulled me off of Octavia and asked if we were alright.

I groaned in pain as quietly as I could, hoping nobody could hear me. Clarke looked at me with a confused look. "Astrid, are you alright?" she asked. I simply rolled my eyes and got out of Monty's grip. I limped to the river, trying to find a way to get over.



I stood next to Clarke on a rock, waiting for Finn to swing across the river with the vine we found. Finn hesitated, he looked sort of scared. "You wanted to go first. Now quite staling." Clarke said, rolling her eyes. Finn looked at her.

"Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine," Jasper said, looking at him with a goofy grin. "The apogee like the Indians, right?" Finn asked. He was obviously trying to waste time. I rolled my eyes.

"Apogee, not Apache," I said, "hurry up, Finn." I rolled my eyes at him and stood back, waiting for him to swing. "Okay Astrid, chill out," Finn said while I rolled my eyes, "See you on the other side." He was about to swing when Jasper suddenly stopped him. Everyone looked over at Jasper wondering why he stopped Finn.

"Let me. I can do it," Jasper said looking from Octavia to the vine several times. I see, he's trying to impress Octavia. I smirked lightly, not wanting to draw attention to it. Jasper and Finn spoke to each other but I couldn't hear them.

"See you on the other side," Jasper said, grabbing the vine. He swings over and has a not-so-graceful landing. We moved to get a better look at him. He popped up and back over at us. "We are apogee! Woohoo!" he exclaimed and picked up a sign. We cheered for him. Clarke grabbed the vine and we said words of encouragement.

"We did it! Mount Weather!" Jasper yelled. As soon as he said that, something whooshed past my ear and Jasper was hit by a spear. All of us screamed and I went to swing across to help him. I grabbed the vine swinging back but someone grabbed my waist at the last second.

I looked back and saw it was Finn. I struggled to get out of his grip to help Jasper but he just gripped tighter. We hid behind a rock and looked at each other with fear in our eyes. Clarke said what everyone was thinking. "We're not alone."



"Come on, we have to get out of here," Finn said. He wanted to run but I wanted to stay and help Jasper.

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