My Salvation.

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Most people say it comes with being a teenager that you feel like you don't fit in anywhere. But what I feel is something totally different. 

It just hurts being unwanted, unloved, useless, ugly. The list goes on.

I was one of those kids that made lists of what they would do when they reached their teenage years. I pinned them on my bedroom wall back then. Now they mock me. They laugh at me.

Everything I had written in them started from having a shit load of amazing friends to owning a gorgeous black camaro.

Its quite ironic really how everything happened the complete opposite of what I wanted it to be.

You know how they say every good thing has to come to an end. This is what happened I suppose. But all of a sudden everything literally everything came to a halt. It made me wonder what I did wrong to deserve all this?

I had to deal with betrayal of people who I considered my best friends. I had to deal with verbal & physical abuse on daily basis. I was always a target for teachers to criticize, always a victim. They discouraged me everyday. I lost interest in everything I liked just because of that. My grades went down because of the lack of appreciation. I couldnt help but cry myself to sleep every night.

All that still happens. Everyday. The difference is just that Ive found a relief. Something that I am addicted to now. Something that makes me forget the emotional pain. Even if it was for a little while. I have changed. My personality has changed. I feel like an empty shell with nothing but a heart beat.

Why can't the heart beat stop too?

Nobody cares anymore. They never let go of a chance to make me feel worthless.. As if I don't already know.

But things change and miracles  do happen, right?

Sometimes all you need is someone who makes you feel so good, someone who completes your world, someone who loves you for who you are. That one person that makes you feel secure, safe. That one person that you love with every fibre of your being no matter what.

We might not know it but there's always someone waiting out there. Always. We just need to wait for the right time to come and for that special person to show up. Because they always do. Always.

No one knew Harry's salvation would be a boy who stole his heart and gave him a purpose in life.

My Salvation.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora