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Hey my name is Jass Coly💖 I'm 14 going on 15 July 9th my mom is heaven Lyons I wonder why we don't have the same last name I'm a tomboy and I got swag I'm funny and cool and I love lucas coly and I have a older bro but he's adopted but that's my nigga🙌 his name is Jaden coly goodbye👑

Wassup my name is Jaden coly my sister is Jass that's my heart my mom is heaven and I'm 16 going on 17 August the 9th I guess that's it byee🙌

Hey my name is heaven my kids are Jaden and Jass those my babies I'm 26 going on 27 July 8th uh I'm a model and their dad is lucas coly yayyyyy boooo but goodbye😽

Wassup I'm lucas coly I'm a rapper and I have a feeling I'm gonna see someone at the mall today uh I'm 27 going on 28 on July 8th but byee yall🔥

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