Master of Critters

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Somewhere in central Europe, I traveled in search of rare animals. At first I was scared because right before I traveled, My friend told me about his experience when he was still a detective. but now I am not anymore scared. So I continued my voyage towards my destination. But I still brought with me a pistol, for self defense. Hours later, I arrived at the Terneth Hotel in Jaceville. I have heard that there was an unusual number of deaths among the population here. But it seems nobody bothered to investigate, since the deaths were caused by forest rats, birds and lizards. But it was still strange that all that have died had the same traits, they were mean, and they were young girls. These murders never stopped me from exploring the environment of Jaceville. I slept in the Hotel, because I was tired from my voyage. I was still fascinated at the amount of small birds lingering just above the river in the forest.

The next day, I prepared to explore the Jaceville Forest to see the local wildlife, I brought along with me, a local tour guide. He told me about the deaths of young mean girls near the forest, who were apparently killed by mice and birds and sometimes, small lizards. One of these weird deaths was that the mice that caused the killings, were house mice. There were several reports of house mice being present in the forest. I was even more fascinated to explore the wildlife, I took photos of nearly every scenery present in the forest. The tour guide smiled at me. I continued at what I was doing. I even fed a few of the wildlife, and took samples of the leaves of some plants. My tour guide and I went back to Jaceville because it was getting really dark. As it was getting dark, the house mice that were present in the forest seemed to all be heading somewhere deep into the forest, along with several birds and lizards. I took a photo of this event.

In my hotel room, I viewed all of the photos I took, and I was surprised to see the last photo. The photo where some critters were retreating deep inside the forest, I noticed that they were going on the direction where there is a blonde girl staring directly at my camera. the blond girl wore a beautiful but tattered dress. I swore to search for that girl in my photo the next morning.

Nighttime passed, and as I woke up the next morning, I discovered that another death was reported in the same manner. And the death had forced the mayor to do something, He ordered a few exterminators to severely decrease the number of wildlife in the forest. This enraged me, but I knew that I could not do anything, so I rushed to the forest, to try and find the girl. Hours had passed, And I heard that the exterminators were not able to even decrease the number of critters in the forest, for the population of the critters were insanely large. I continued my search. I waited for nighttime, and when it came, I continued my search. I eventually found the blonde girl, she was feeding many of the mice. But the thing that was creeping me out is that she was feeding th mice, a severed human finger. I ran away as quickly as possible from her. She didn't seem like she meant any harm, but she chased me and then I was tackled down by her mice. I struggled away as hard as I can, but I simply can't.

"Calm down, boy, I will not harm you, unless of course, I will never harm a person as innocent as you" She said, in a calm tone.

I immediately stopped my struggling and stared at her. "What about those girls you have killed?!" I shouted. But exactly as I have asked this, her face became emotionless and her eyes became bright red. Then she stared at me and orders her mice to set me free. "Those girls need to be taught a lesson, for they have tortured their step sisters and brothers for far too long... The world does not need evil bastards like my step sisters, so i kill ones that act like mine." She said. After a minute, she lifts me and kisses my forehead, walks away and orders her critters to follow her. "I will travel these lands, in search for girls who need to be taught a lesson." She said.

I was found unconcious near the road by the exterminators the next day, and claim that all of the murderous critters have disappeared. I found a note on my pocket later that day

" Tell your step sister to be good to you and your sisters, or else, you will find her corpse in her bed "

This incident frightened me a lot, but I retained my composure and continued my work as a zoologist. The thing that puzzled me the most was not that the critters were following their queen, not that the lady was wearing a bright dress. But what puzzled me was that she was wearing a pair of glimmering GLASS SLIPPERS.

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