Chapter 1

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First Story me and my friend are doing.... don't be too harsh on me!! ENJOY!!!

Chapter 1

"Mmmmf! Mrrup!" I spat out Johns disgusting sweaty sock, scrunching my nose up in disgust. As fine as he is, he has the worlds most ugly, disgusting and sweaty feet. Ever. I glared at them, still trying to get the taste out as John and lenny smirked at me. Here I am, tied up in a trap that they devised for me and Jessie, who convieniently fell asleep. Who falls asleep in a TRAP!?

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I'm sorry!" I growled, geez being tied up in a trap makes you grumpy. I guess my "rescuer" Samson, was still inside with his girlfriend. Great guy, isn't he? So basically I'm trapped as revenge... Its a looong story. I should start from the beginning...

Earlier On In the World...

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UPPP!" My eyes snapped open and I rolled my eyes, irritated. Bye bye sleep. That would be my friend, waking me up. It wouldn't be a normal day if she didn't bust into my house and jump on my bed. 

"Do you have to do this every day?" I mumble and push her away.

"Yes." She opened her eyes really big and stared at me creepily when she said that. Why does that scare me so much??? She smiled then and got up off the bed.

"Hey, I got a call today." She looked really excited for some reason.

"From who?" 

"My Uncles, brother-in-law's nephews best friend got Samson to call me!" She squealed in excitement. Huh?

"Okayy, for the first part of that, huh? and for the second part, Samson who?" Now she was getting to me... why would i care if her brothers friends whatever is calling her?

"Because... you'll see. Just get ready quick!" She jumps up and leaves the room. Well, I guess that's my cue to get ready. I sigh and stand up, looking longingly at the bed. I grab my clothes and head for the shower.... but I'll just skip this part of my morning...

17 minutes and 42 seconds later...

"I'm readyyy!!!" I scream and fly down the stairs, fully clothed. I hate when people are waiting for me. 

"Finally, you took foreverrr!" she dragged me out the door and we waited for the bus.

"Sooo are you going to tell me who this Samson is, and where we are gping?" 

"We are going to the park, we are meeting Samson and the.... crew, then we shall rub it in Tamara's face!" Jessie rubbed her hands in glee and raised her eyebrows suggestively, making me laugh. She was always pulling us off to random places, you get used to it after a while.

"What crew?" 

"Ummm, you'll see." She smirks and looks out the window.

"Fine then, don't tell me." I huff and wait for Jessie to get off the bus, before following her. She leads me to a park and we sit under a tree. We sat in silence for a while, and I turned to ask Jessie how long we were waiting for Samson, when I saw her asleep. Are you kidding? Typical! Always falling asleep like this! 

"Drag me off to a park then fall asleep, great Jessie, greaaat." I mumble under my breath sarcastically. I stand up and stretch, when I feel something thump me on the head.

"Oww!" I yelp and look at what hit me. A lemon? Huh, so this is a lemon tree, you know what they say... I take a step backwards and hit someone, causing me to stumble, and the random to hold and steady me. 

"Lemon tree..... aren't they just amazing." I turn around to see a very familiar pair of twins facing me, the one that talked was inhaling a deep breath of the lemon, before looking at me and smiling. 

"S-sorry." I blush and stumble back a bit. Why do they look so familiar.

"Its ok, excuse mr. grumpy, he's a bit depressed. The one who grabbed me said, jerking his thumb at the other twin, who growled in response and turned around. That's when it clicked. I know them!!!

"Pearce brothers..." I look up at him and realise what crew jessie was talking about...

Justice Crew...

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