Nightmare on Naruto's street

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4 Days until Halloween

Lunch finally rolled around and like we planned Sasuke and me met in the schools library, the only place where we could freely talk. "Ok first off promise me this isn't some stupid trick your pulling." He grumbled. Putting my hands up I shook my head, "One hundred percent not me dude." I replied.
"Second, why didn't anyone remember Kiba? We seem like the only two who remember him." He said.
"I don't know. Even Hinata didn't and Kiba was her best friend." Sasuke put his fingers on his chin, "This makes no sense. What all happened again?" He asked.
"He just came running up to me bleeding from his stomach and then These two people came out of no where after him and he told me to go get help."

"Yet when I showed up I saw no blood or any sign of anyone being there." Sasuke sighed. "We have absolutely no way to prove that Kiba lived except for our combined memories." He said.
"Did something happen to Kiba?" Asked a certain pink haired book worm. "Hi Sakura."
"Hello Naruto, you know people usually come to the library to read." She said.
"So you remember Kiba?" Sasuke asked her, she gazed at him dreamily while responding. "Yeah we went to grade school together. Has something happened?" We explained what I had seen and how no one remembered him. "Hmm weird." She muttered. The bell signaling the end of lunch rang. "Let's meet up tonight. We can investigate." She said before walking away.

Later that night I zipped up my hoodie and wondered out in the cold. I was supposed to meet up with Sasuke and Sakura at the local ramen shop. Walking up the road I yawned, maybe I'll get me some ramen while I wait for them. I was just a block away when someone came running around the corner and ran into me. Looking up from the ground I saw a cloaked figure, "Naruto catch them!" Sakura yelled from a few feet behind the person, Sasuke was at her side. Jumping to my feet the cloaked figure ran, I had to catch them.


I waited outside the ramen shop waiting on the other two to show up. "Hey." Sakura came walking up dressed in a snug pink jacket, her breath was visible in this unusual cold day. "We waiting on Naruto?" She asked while standing next to me. I nodded, "No telling how long it'll take him to get here." I muttered. She tapped me on the shoulder, "What?" I asked while looking at her. Her eyes were wide then she pointed to something behind me, following her finger I watched as a cloaked person came creeping out of an alley. "Hey you!" Sakura blurted alerting the person to our presence. They took off leaving Sakura and me to catch up.

After a few minutes we chased them into Naruto. Sakura yelled at him to catch them, they ran into another narrow alley with us in close pursuit. Finally they tripped over themselves, Naruto jumped on them, "Ahah!" He exclaimed then reached for their hood when another person tackled him. Both hooded figures stood and ran, Sakura and I helped Naruto stand. "Who did they get this time?" He asked. I kicked myself mentally for not checking to see who they might have attacked this time.

We ran back to the alley behind the ramen shop yet discovered nothing. "Dang it!" Naruto yelled. "Guess we'll just find out who it was tomorrow...." Sakura mumbled.
"That's what I'm afraid of." I replied. When the next day rolled around I noticed that the seat in front of Naruto was empty. Later during lunch we all three met in the library. "So?" Sakura asked. Naruto have a sad huff then sadly replide, "This time it was Hinata. I asked everyone in our first class, No one's heard of her. I even asked her cousin Neji same thing with him and they lived together." he said. Looking over at me he continued, "Still don't believe in the supernatural?"

Later that day I was walking home from school alone, something I normally did every day when I began thinking about the two people who've gone missing so far. They had nothing in common that I could tell so what made them targets? "No! Leave me alone!?" I heard someone scream. Running toward the sound I found Sakura's friend, Ino being surrounded by people dressed as what looked like teddy bears. "Sasuke!" She said reaching out toward me. Racing forward I tried to help but two of the people tackled me to the ground. The others picked her up and disappeared into the dark. Kicking the people off me I frowned as there was no one in the costumes, they were empty....

3 day's until Halloween.

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