Chapter 6-

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  It was Monday morning and the weekend literally went unbelievably slow. Usually I wouldn't mind it being so slow but I was anxious as to get this abortion over with. And no I hadn't told Jackson yet, but I was about to.

I walked down the hall towards Jackson's class and I asked his teacher if I could speak to him, luckily she was in a good mood and granted without question.

"What do you want? Ready for round 2?" he winked as he snaked his body towards me, enclosing me between his arms against the wall, hand either side of my head.

"Don't make me sick." I pushed him away. "I have to tell you something." I gulped and took a deep breath. "When you.... had sex with me..." I gritted my teeth as I said sex. "...something happened... I'm pregnant..." I looked up and saw his eyes so wide I thought they'd pop out of his head.

"You're what?" his teeth now gritted as he came towards me and grabbed my hair pulling it harshly towards the ground.

"I'm sorry Jackson!" I yelped.

"You better be, and trust me now when u say this; I will make sure everybody, and I mean everybody, will know how much of a dirty slut you are!" And with that he let go off my hair and stormed off.

By lunch time everyone had heard about me being pregnant, but one detail was missed; no one knew that it was Jackson who did it to me or how he did. Jackson meant what he said, he spread it around that I slept with a bunch of college guys 2 weeks ago.

"You're such a slut!" Leona shouted.

"What the hell? Why are you being like this?"

"Being like what? I just want you to know how much I HATE you! And if I find out you went anywhere near my boyfriend, I will kill you." Oh yeah, Leona's boyfriend went to the college where I supposedly had all this sex. I couldn't believe that she didn't trust me, and she honestly thought I would sleep with her boyfriend. I'd just lost one of my best friends, something I never thought would happen.

I walked through the corridors, time felt like it was slowing and everything was blurred the only things clear where the faces of people staring and yelling hate at me. Tears started to fall down my face. I ran and ran and ran. I couldn't breath! Everything was closing around me. I needed to get out.

I got home, the suffocating feeling not getting better. I tried to choke back more tears but they wouldn't stop. I hung my head over the sink in my bathroom and watched as mascara tinted tears fell onto the surface.

'We hate you!'



'No one will ever love you!'

'You don't deserve to live'

'Just go kill yourself!'

All the comments ever made to me spin around in my head. I couldn't take this anymore! I opened my bathroom cabinet again and pulled out my leather bag instantly grabbing the blade, but I also got out a bottle of all different pain killers if gathered over the years. Shakily I emptied the bottle into my hand and placed all of the small multicoloured pills into my mouth. I swallowed them hard, downing a glass of water. I walked over to the bath tub and started to run the bath with warming water, leaving my razor on the side. I walked back into my room an laid out my favourite outfit. This is what I wanted to be in for the rest of eternity. I unlocked my phone, and sent the same message to Iz, Christina and Spike;

'I love you, don't ever forget. I'm sorry I did this but it was the only way. Never forget me, as in my inal moments on this earth you were the only thing on my mind. Good bye x'

Not Alone; One Direction/Dark LiamWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt