Being Heard

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I stand alone
In a crowd of people
One voice against many
Does the opinion I have count?
Because it's one in a million

Within the Trillion I am exposed to
I am one in Trillions
Without the support of others

None knowing
None Experiencing
None backing
I am alone
Among millions, trillions of voices

Why do even the important ones
Who acknowledge your presence
Your ideas
Ignore you

Do they feel
Better than you
More powerful
Less humble
More prospective?

Do they take your idea?
Do they use you?
I am a single voice in a sea of many

My voice counts for something in a room
When the test of loyalty comes around
Most fail
Most turn on you

I am alone in a sea of voices
I stand alone among trillions
I look upon other and see my own
Failing voice
Why speak when there is nothing
But sorrow in doing so?

Poetry of LifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt