Holy hellhounds

349 18 8

My eyes fluttered open, and I quickly

remembered what happened before.

"What-" I tried to get up, but something

tapped my forehead and brought my

head back down gently. "What the

flying *fuck*" I said in a loud voice,

immediately beginning to squirm

around to get free.

"Dude, chill"

I heard a voice that was all too familiar.

Oh hell no.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled,

fighting away the hand and getting up.

I didn't feel any of what happened,

mostly because my physical pain was

only temporary for a few minutes to

hours. It was exactly who I suspected.

I was going to jump at him right then

and there, but of course I was under


A good demon never kills immediately,

anyways. Demons are teasing, they

dangle their preys life by a string, and

that is just what Karkat was going to do.

"What the actual fucking hell just

happened?!" I said in my usual angry

lowkey yelling voice.

"Calm down, man" He said in his

calm tone of voice.

"Calm down? No, fuck you, I was just

knocked the fuck out by hell knows

what! Don't you 'calm down' me, you

filthy piece of only the most hated

spices in the universes' shit!"

"Woah, okay, calm your fucking ass,

you gotta give a guy some fuckin' time

to get this shit sorted out."

This guy was fucking unbelievable,

goddamn inconsiderate asshole.

My hate for him burned like a fire in

only the deepest layers of hell.

I was beyond pissed.

"Alright, I know this might sound pretty

fucked up, so i'm going to not give you

a huge 10 paragraphs of what the hell

happened. I was cutting a dead birds

wings off, you showed up, startled me,

then got a few blows to the body."

The glare in my eyes didn't go away, yet

questions flooded my mind.

"Why the fuck would you cut off a dead

birds wings?" I almost yelled.

"Why the fuck would you walk up to

a dude you didn't know who was cuttin' shit

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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