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"You're hot." Was the thing that kept playing over and over in my head.

She thinks I'm hot.


Does this mean, I, Jaxon, has a chance with, Ariel.

Oh gosh. I don't think I can take so much excitement.

Snapping back to reality I follow Ariel back to her bedroom.

Oh jeez I'm going to her room.

Walking in, she points to a spot on her bed. There, in the center of her purple sheet, is a lack spider about the size of a quarter.

Holding back my laugh as to keep from embarrassing this cute little thing, I walk over grab the little spider, and throw it out her open window.

I turn around and come face to face with the most adorable sight.

Standing in a big t-shirt and lacy underwear, is a pouting Elliot.

My heart does this fluttering thing and my stomach gets this tingly stuff happening.

What the actual hell.

I bit my lip trying to fight back the grin that's trying to punch through.

She just looks so cute.

I walk closer to Elliot and then do something I never thought k would do.

Lifting my hand up I pull on her lip, "don't pout." And then I walk away.

But then I realize what I just did and freeze.


I didn't just do that did I?

Jaxon Where stories live. Discover now