Part 12

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Before I get to the story, let me apologize for not updating since April. I don't really wanna go into details, but basically I had to deal with a few things, and writting was something I couldn't bring myself to do. Don't worry, I sorted everything out, so now it's time to finally catch up with Strangers! Thank you for bearing with me, and enjoy this nonsense I created. :P :)


"Will, what the hell is this?" Kyle called loud enough for Will to hear, looking at the huge box which occupied their coffee table with furrowed brows. Of course he knew exactly what it was, not to mention the crappy-looking keyboard was even portrayed on the box, but what he needed to know was why, since he found more likely that he'd get abducted by aliens than ever seeing Will behind that instrument.

"Well I, um," his friend appeared by the door, scratching the back of his neck nervously and purposely avoiding eye-contact. "I just...stopped at the store this morning and thought that, you know, I should learn while I'm still young, right?"
Will didn't have to be looking at Kyle to portrait the meaningful look he gave him, and he cursed himself for not being more thoughtful and hiding the keys in his room, or at least coming up with a lie instead of leaving them just lying around. 

"If you wanted to start playing you could have asked. I'd have happily lent you mine and even helped you with the beginnings" Kyle said and picked up the boxed instrument, rolling it in his hands with ease.
"Geez, this is the cheapest crap you could have gotten. See how light it is?" He flipped it around once more to support his statement, before throwing it onto the sofa and fixing his gaze at Will again, challenging him to explain himself. He really wasn't getting this – sure, Will knew shit about keyboards, but he was still a musician himself and knew damn well what to look for in an instrument and how to recognize quality. This was not like Will, and his odd behaviour only added to Kyle's suspicion.

"I dunno, I guess I didn't-" Will muttered, stopping mid sentence to let out a tired sigh. He was never a good liar, let alone when he was forced to improvise as well. Instead of continuing the sentence, he walked over to Kyle who in meantime has unwrapped the keys and was now inspecting them more closely. Without acknowledging Will's presence right next to him, he pressed down onto one of the keys, which resulted in it falling off and landing by their feet. Will felt like crying.

"How about you tell me what's really going on?" Kyle finally commanded, giving a last pitiful look at the keyboard before finally putting it out of their sight.


"You did WHAT?!" Kyle roared, gazing at Will in misbelief. He wanted to laugh at his own self from the night before for getting jealous over Will meeting and talking to Dan. This was far worse.

"I'm sorry, Kyle. I didn't really want to join his band, but...I guess I wanted to impress him, so I made all these lies about myself, and then when he popped up the question I couldn't just say no," Will muttered. He felt like a complete idiot, and he supposed Kyle agreed with him on that.

"Yes, yes you could" Kyle replied bitterly. There was literally no logical reason for him to have any right to be mad at Will over this - after all it was his life and decisions – but his feelings were ridiculously hurt. Still, he tried to ignore his anger as much as he could; his sulking would solve nothing.

"Come on then. If he wants to hear you play tomorrow, you don't have time to waste" he said in much softer tone.

The confused expression Will gave him had Kyle rolling his eyes. "Yes, I am going to teach you play, so come on before I change my mind" or before I strangle you, he added in his mind and headed to his room. He's definitely going to have a talk with Dan about this.


(I know Will can in fact play keys now, but since this story is set before they formed Bastille, I tried to stick to how it really went. At least partially(: )

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