Poems & Horoscopes

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1/28/2012  10: 36AM


 Capricorn Horoscope:  Warn your friends that you could get grumpy at the day moves forward.

OVER VIEW: You can push through almost anything right now, so make sure that you're sticking to the program. Even if you feel disheartened, remember that the odds are still with you as you make it through the day.


So don't get on my bad side! ^_^

Is there anybody who would like me to tell them their Horoscope? Just tell me your Zodiac Sign. :)


~ A Poem ~

The world spins at my feet

Why do I feel such utter defeat

If this is how it's supposed to be

I need to find what's true to me

The world can't wait for me to sit around

I have to get up and take a stand

Opportunity isn't some random friend

Who comes to see how far you'll bend

It only comes occasionally

That's why I have to take it fearlessly

Plunge straight in

Take it all in

Decide wrong from right

Jump into the light


   That was my weak attempt at poetry. ^_^ It's sort of new to me so I hope it was a tad bit enjoyable. I wrote it in, like, three minutes. Ha ha!

  Just the beginning of this week I sort of took a turn in my writing and explored the unexplored caves (to me) of poetry. I found that I liked it and decided to stay for a while, huddling in the cold darkness, feeling peaceful and learning something new. 

Tell me; is this how you guys feel when you discover something new? Like your completely journeying to a different state of mind?

 This is only my.... Well, I'd say fifth poem I've written. Yes, the four others were created this week!

   But if it really was sucky please tell me! I'm constantly looking for ways to improve. And you guys would be a great help. Honest opinion, too. Bad or good? Great or terrible?


        I was going to write a new section in this yesterday but I had a really bad headache. My only guess was that it was from the wind. 'Cause in Nevada there's usually either dust or pollution or both flying around when the wind picks up.

   Though I do have to admit I have been slacking on writing in here and my other story "Falling Down To Earth" lately. I've been preoccupied with getting "For Ever" up and rolling. Which, by the way, you guys can go check out if you have time. :)

   I'm making a mental promise to myself right now that I'll write in here more often.

  Unless this truly, utterly, and completely bores you all then I'll just delete this and start another story or collection of poems. Thoughts?

    I've realized that making a journal open to the public might not be as appealing as it sounded when I first started it.

  Again, could you Wattpadders give me your honest opinion if I should continue or start another story or collection of poems (if you think I have potential for anyone of those things)?


Have a fabulous weekend. And, oh, watch out for those Capricorns! :P


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