same classes, new kid?

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Chapter one: same classes, new kid?!


I walked into the same school i've been going to since I was in the fifth grade, taking a deep breath. I spot my good friend Fionna standing with her long time boyfriend Flame Prince. yes, before you do a double take and re-read that, almost all of the students attending this school are royality in some form or another. I'm the prince of the Candy kingdom, my name is Gumball, but most address me with my title in front of that. Now Fionna isn't royality, but saying how many times she has saved the surrounding kingdoms, she might as well be. The bell rings before I can make it across the lobby, so I will have to catch them at a later date, pity. I send a wave in their direction and head to my home ecomonics class, arriving 5 minutes early as par my usual. Soon however, the rest of the students in my first class begin to fill in, and I use the time to pull out my color coded notebook and pencil out. The class starts without a hitch and we settle into the mundane rountine that all of us have began to expect. Her class phone begins to ring, startling us. Its common knowlodge that the phone doesnt go off unless something has happened. The teacher answers the phone and stays talking for a few seconds.

"hello?....Oh! really?!....sure!...send him on down...alright, bu-bye!" she smiles and hangs up the phone. she turns her attention to us. "we have a new student from the night-o-sphere joining our ranks to-" shes cut off by the door swinging open.

"heh, the names lee, Marshall lee" the raven haired boy says somehow managing to make quite the entrance, and still sound bored. I huff and roll my eyes.

"well Mr. lee you can take the open seat next to Prince Gumball, come now. Take your seat." My teacher gave him one last smile and turned back to the board, writing out assignment down.

"As much as you will want to Gumball, you will not, I repeat, not! argue with this boy, it seems that even on his first day, that's what he wants." I warn myself, and it seems that as I was giving myself very good advice, though I very seldom follow it (chapter dedication to everyone that knows where this phrase came from.) Marshall became seated next to me. I turned to him and smiled and his face turns into a hard smirk.

"Prince Gumball is it?" Marshall asks me, smirking as what seems to be always.

"yes, im Prince Gumball of the Candy Kingdom. It's a pleasure to meet you." I respond in the nicest tone I could muster. His face shifted from surprise, to pleasure, and right back to his famous smirk in all of three seconds. It was right in that second that I realised that, he's just putting on a bad boy front. He's just as scared as I was on my first day. I smile again and nod. If he wants to talk to me, he's going to have to talk first.

"uh, hi. My names Marshall Lee. I just moved here from the night-o-sphere, about 3 days ago." He starts, and goodness the blush on his face! The poor boy seems desprate for a conversatation, so we sit and talk the entire hour, letting class go on without us.  

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