[Rules, Explanations, and Deadlines]

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❆ Hello, everyone!❆

Welcome to the Fourth Annual Secret Santa event held for the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy Fandom on Wattpad!

I can't believe this is the fourth year I'm doing this! I hope you all are as hyped as I am!

But first an explanation for anyone new.

For those of you who don't know what a Secret Santa, this event occurs when a group or community comes together and randomly assigns a person to give a gift to another person. Many of you will be familiar with this from last year or in general, but don't be afraid to ask for further explanation of the concept or anything else.

Please go over the rules!

I haven't made any changes other than dates but a refresher is always good.

Stories will be limited to reader-inserts. I won't put up length requirements but don't go to overboard.

No FAQ, it's easier to just respond. There will be a delay in updating counts and the [Participants] page and answering messages as my workload is still heavy like last year.

I also placed the deadline to sign-up earlier to give you guys an extra week to write and I have a paper due the last week of November. The extra week will also let me help early on since Chocobo Business is a little longer this year.

There will be a countdown timer in a link at the bottom of the About Me that will bring you to a countdown timer. Just click and the timer should appear.

I stuck with Google Forms for sign-ups because it made everything way easier. I'll provide the link and further detail below. You just have to click, put in the information asked, and click submit.

You will be notified of any further changes if they come up. Now on to the participation rules!

✻ ❉ Participation Rules ❉ ✻


Writing can be difficult, but if no effort is put in, nothing will come out. Writing involves a great deal of dedication and I don't want anyone to be overwhelmed. I do encourage you to participate but do realize that you will be responsible for someone's gift.


Title says it all. Don't make something you wouldn't want for yourself.


It's for my benefit and yours but, mostly mine. I'm huma-I mean, a chocobo, which means I have a limited of time to work on this. I've been able to do this smoothly because not a lot of issues occur other than needed extension.

Deadlines make it easier for me to organize everything. It also makes it easier for me to put everything together so that everyone can get a Secret Santa.

Deadlines of events will be talked about below this section.


✻ ❉Timeline of This Event ❉ ✻

Sign up Period: October 28-November 26

Assignment of Secret Santas: November 27

Reply Time: November 27-December 3

Chocobo Business: December 4-15

Gift X-change: December 24-31

Chocobo Run: January 1-8

An explanation of each event is listed below.


[KH/FF] Secret Santa 2016Where stories live. Discover now