Kalin Kessler - Love is Patient #2 For KiryuFanGirl

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                These past 6 months have gone better than I could have possibly hoped for. Kalin and the guys are closer than ever before, and the other signer's have welcomed him back with open arms. Akiza was the last one out of everyone to trust him and now those two are the closest out of everyone because of their past experiences.

I get jealous about it often but I try and not let it get to me. And now that I've been promoted from just a plain waitress to an Assistant manager I've been busier with the restaurant than I ever have been before, so that helps to prevent me from thinking about them often.

Kalin and the boys bonded by making a new runner for him to use, and Kalin and I have been living together ever since we've been reunited. In his down time, he'll go and spend time with the boys of he'll do some chores around our home. He'll pick me up from work and we'll talk on the couch for hours until I fall asleep, then he'll carry me to bed. Then in the mornings he'll make me breakfast and drive me to work again, it's funny because he'll only let me leave him with two minutes before I have to start work so that way we can spend as much time together as possible.

Now don't get me wrong, my life is so much better now that he's back, but I still can't help the nagging feeling that something is still missing from my life. I try not to think about it often but I know that Kalin is getting worried about me again, I've been quiet lately but it's totally un-intentional and I'm not afraid to admit that to him either.

This time though as I walked through the kitchen my heart began hammering in my chest when I saw Kalin sitting on the couch with his hands folded together and head hanging.

"Kalin?" I asked. He didn't move a muscle in response and that worried me even more.

I moved to sit down beside him and gently took his fingers so that I can slide them into mine. I stayed there beside him silently hoping that he would say something, but he never did.

"Kalin, did something happen today while I was at work?" He still remained silent. "If someone said or did something to you then I need to know who to..."

"It's not them." He finally said quietly. "It's you. You've hardly spoken to me in days and I'm getting worried, ever since your promotion you've been more distant with me."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be."

"I know you don't Charley, but we really need to talk. There's been things that I've wanted to talk to you about but with the way that you've been acting lately I just didn't bother." My heart began breaking when I heard those few small words. "Charlie if you want me to leave then just tell me."

"How could you possibly think that Kalin?"

"Because you're not talking to me. I mean, I hardly see you anymore and I get that you have more responsibility at work but you need to have some time off to yourself every once in a while, too." He said his voice beginning to rise.

"Kalin... I didn't want to tell you this, but I've forced myself into being so busy at work because I wanted you to be able to bond with everyone and can do it on your own time. At you own pace, and if you ever got overwhelmed then you would have a quiet place to come back too to relax and not be questioned anymore." I began hesitantly.

"And I appreciate that, god you'll never know how much that I've appreciated everything that you've done for me these past months. But sometimes the only way for me to be able to fully calm down is for me to be holding onto you." I looked at him shocked.

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