Chapter 1: Back Again

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Dan's pov.

I walked down the narrow hall cracking my knuckles uncertainly. It was a big moment. I was about to film my first video in several years. I took a major break after I started going back to university. During that time period, a lot of major things happened. I started getting bullied at uni, my dear friend PJ passed away, and phil got cancer. Phil successfully completed chemo which is good but I deteriorated extremely fast. I fell into depression and anxiety. Anyways, ... I have a problem. I was in love with Phil Lester, my best friend.

Phil greeted me happily from the living room as he munched on cereal. "Hey Dan!"
"Hey Phil." I replied gloomily.
"What's wrong? Are you ok? " he questioned his icy blue eyes looking at me filled with concern. I sighed knowing that he would pester me until I told him, "I'm about to film my first video since everything happened. I'm just nervous I guess."

"Oh ok. Do you want me to be there? You know for moral support."  He said getting up and walking over to me placing a hand on my shoulder concerned.

"Yeah, I guess that would be nice... " I said nervously pulling down my long black sleeves. We walked into my room and plopped down on the bed. I clicked the play button took a deep breath and started. "Hi guys! Guess who's finally back again? Me! Danisnotonfire! I have been so busy the past few years and several major things have happened. Last year PJ was in a car wreck and was killed instantly..." I paused and sniffled. Shakily, I continued. "Then phil got cancer. He passed chemo successfully and is back to his normalish life." So on and so forth. I explained all the situations. "Things have been so busy and I will try to start uploading videos again. Bye guys!" I shut off the device and told Phil that I was going to go to bed. "Night, Philly."

"Night Danny boy." He called back.

I sighed and climbed into bed darkness enveloped me.
I'M SORRY! I'm sorry... No PHIL! DON'T Leave me... I crawled across the floor after him. you FAGGOT ! I AM Disgusted aabout You . If I Knew I Would have left Sooner!!! And with that, He kicked Me in the face,. I Screamed.
I awoke to someone shaking me violently. "Dan! Dan! Wake Up!"

"What happened?" I questioned rubbing my eyes viciously.

"I was trying to go to sleep and about 3 in the morning, I heard screaming coming from your room... What's going on Dan?"

"It's nothing... Just a stupid dream" I replied.

"I'm gonna go get some Starbucks. We can talk about it when I get back." He stated firmly.

"You're getting Starbucks... at three in the morning...?" I questioned.

"Do you want something? I'll get you anything you want!" He said cheerfully.

"No thanks. I'm good." I'm too fat anyways. I thought to myself. He hates me because I'm so fat.

"Okay, I'll be back. Don't do anything stupid without me!" He exclaimed jokingly.


"Okay bye." I called back holding back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. I heard the door close and knew it was okay to break. Sobs wracked my body as the voices in my head drowned me with torturous screams. NEVER ENOUGH! WORTHLESS! UGLY! FAT! EVERYONE IS JUST PRETENDING TO LOVE YOU! YOU SHOULD GO KILL YOURSELF! BROKEN, FAT, UGLY, WORTHLESS! WORTHLESS. Worthless. worthless... The voices slowly faded out as I scrambled through my drawers looking for my only friend. My escape. My blade. As I held the thin delicate sliver of metal, I dragged it across my skin. "Look," I said sadly as silver turned to red, "Magic." I heard the front door unlock. "S***" I muttered and grabbed several tissues dabbing vigorously at my arms. I yanked down my sleeves just as Phil walked through the door.

(A/N) I will try to update as soon as possible but have school and strict parents so no promises. Have a great day and please excuse any errors that this may have. I am writing this at about 10:40 pm ish...

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