Why you deserve to be

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Your favourite jewel:

Citrine: You died fighting for your clan.

Pearl: You saw that a kit that snuck out of camp from a enemy clan was about to be hit by a monster. You quickly push the kit out of the way. I bet you can guess what happened next.

Opal: You and your apprentice were training when a badger attacked you. So you let your apprentice run for help while you fought the badger off. Of course you knew that you wouldn't win. And if you didn't send off your apprentice the badger would've killed him. The badger killed you, of course you fought very hard.

Sapphire: The entire clan had gotten greencough. After all of the cat had been healed, two cats were left with greencough, you and a kit. There was a little bit of catmint left and there was only enough for the one cat. So you let the kit have the last catmint and you soon died from greencough.

Diamond: You leap in front of your Clanmate before an adder snake bite them. You got bitten instead and died from the poisonous bite.

Ruby: You lived a long life serving your clan. You died in your sleep as an elder. A nice, peaceful, death.

Emerald: You died in battle as an apprentice. The warrior fighting you didn't realize that they had wounded you so badly and that you were an apprentice. But you

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