Chapter One

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Madison Ziegler lied on her bed, completely hopeless.
She was like this ever since her little sister Mackenzie disappeared. And even though they found her body, near a river in Pennsylvania she just wouldn't accept it. It's like it wouldn't go trough her head.
But Madison knew her sister was gone.
She felt weird.
Almost as if she knew her sister was gone, way before they found her body.
Suddenly, her phone pinged, immediately interrupting her drain of thoughts.
She grabbed it in an instant.
The message she read was from a private number, it made her heart skip a few beats;
Madison, we know how we can track down your sister's killer. We have something that is yours, and you have something that is ours. Meet us at Mapple street at 12 pm. Xoxo
- the new americana
Now, Maddie obviously had heard about "The New Americana". They were somewhat of a gang. But these guys were scary, they had killed people in the past, and she was just a lonely sad fourteen year old.
God knows what could happen to her if she goes.
Well, she took her chance and soon she was running trough the street, headed towards Mapple. The cold crispy hair hit her pale little face, and snowflakes were graciously falling on her blonde hair.
Her chapped lips formed a smile as she saw the gang approach her.
Madison took a minute to do what she was best at doing, ever since she was a young girl; observe.
The lead, Brooke Hyland was chewing a pastel purple chewing gum that she was forming bubbles with.
Brooke's deep red lips formed a malicious smirk, as she played with her black/blue hair
She looked intimidating, not someone you'd like to see on the street.
Next up, obviously, Tate McRae. Why was she even in this group? She looked so shy and carefree, Madison thought. The other two also looked intimidating; Kendall K Vertes looked litterally like Harley Quinn came to life; Kalani Hilliker looked pretty normal which was weird, considering she almost killed a person two months ago. And finally, Paige Hyland, the stupid blonde who had no idea what she was doing.
So stereotypical.
"Hello, Madison." - Brooke started, handshaking with Maddie.
"So now, you listen to us."
"What do you mean." - fear struck Maddie.
"You are a part of us, part of The New Americana. And we've got a job for you. A target."
"Of course." - Madison smiled.
But better chapters to come.

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