Chapter Three

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“This is nice.” Nate said.

“Yeah,” I agreed.

We were walking down to the beach, the sun was setting and I figured that all Nate was thinking about was that he had scored a date with me, or thought that he might actually get some action.

I was officially bored, I mean, during dinner, I went into the ladies room for twenty minutes and played TempleRun on my phone, then got bored and went back out to Nate and we talked about his pet goldfish for an hour or so and that led us to here.

“I’m glad that we were able to finally go out.”

 “Well it has been a while since you asked me, so I thought about giving you a chance.”

“Well I’m glad you did.” He told me and smiled.

We walked pretty far actually, I was trying not to jab my fingers into my eyes as he talked more about his goldfish, instead I just didn’t listen.


When I got home I spread myself across my bed and called Sammy.

“How’d your date go?” She squealed.

“Well…I hid in the bathroom and played games, and spaced out when he talked about his goldfish, but other than that, we ate dinner and walked along the beach. So basically my night was boring.”

“Awe, that sucks.” She said. “I went out with him.”

“Who,” I had totally forgotten about who she was going out with.

“Trevor.” She said with a smile in her voice.


“And I really like him, I know that he’s younger, but come on, he’s cute and funny and nice.”


“Okay, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“I mean that’s good to hear.” I told her and got up. “So Kyle Days is having a swim party at his house tomorrow, I was thinking about going, are you going?”

“Duh…” She said and laughed. “I highly doubt that Tyler is going.”

"Yeah I know, but I want to go with a friend so maybe you should bring Trevor and I’ll go single and leave that way.”

She laughed. “Yeah right, last time you said that, you took two guys home with you and then played the Xbox and then they left.”

“I know, but my brother’s coming home tomorrow night, so I have to, come home empty handed.”

She laughed. “Okay.” I could even hear her roll her eyes.

“Okay well I’m going to sleep, so I’ll catch you later, bye.” I said.

“Bye.” She said and then I hung up and tossed my phone onto the bed and rolled off and onto my feet.

I pulled on some pajamas and curled up under the blankets and fell quickly asleep.


In the morning I woke up and got to my feet.

“9:05.” The clock had said.

I moaned and walked down the stairs and found my dad in the kitchen with Marie, our maid.

“Morning Vanessa,” Dad said and drank some of his coffee before clearing his throat. “I have a feeling you need money for whatever you are doing today.”

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