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The Signs on The Day of Their Wedding:

 Aries: They want to create a joyful experience for everybody who attends. They make sure to dance with just about everyone there. When they are not partying then they are slipping out of the party to spend some alone time with their lover.

 Taurus: Smiling through their tears during the ceremony while their partner melts their heart away. The day consists of big embraces and lots of great dancing. They never leave their lover through the entirety of the wedding.

 Gemini: Surprisingly speechless at the start of the day because their mind is trying to process what is about to happen. However, they are able to collect their thoughts in time to give a lengthy vow. They also want to make sure that a ton of pictures are taken so they make the best wedding album ever.

 Cancer: Started crying tears of joy once they woke up. Memories flash in their head throughout the whole day of the moments they shared with their lover. Constantly at a loss of words because they never felt this happy before.

 Leo: Excited to tie the knot with their special someone, but also hoping everyone has a good time at their wedding. They know that they have their honeymoon to spend alone time with their love so they are focusing on having the best party ever.

 Virgo: Worrying the whole time before the wedding over everything that could go wrong. They worked hard on every detail and wants it to be executed the exact way they imagined it. However, once they lock eyes with their lover none of that matters anymore.

 Libra: Aims to create the perfect wedding. Wants everyone they love to be there, but ends up focusing on their love the whole time. A balance of just the right amount of romance and partying is all they truly want.

 Scorpio: Can't get over the fact that they are tying the knot with the love of their life. Constantly giving affection to their lover like nobody else is in the room and is anxious for the honeymoon to start.

 Sagittarius: Ready to have the best party of their life! Spends the whole day smiling and laughing with friends and family, but more importantly, they are having a blast with their love! They spend about half the night just spending time hugging their partner.

 Capricorn: Constantly makes jokes to shake off the nerves that has been building up over this day, but once they lock eyes with their love all those butterflies fly away. The day is filled with the goal of having a good time and creating sacred memories.

 Aquarius: Invited everyone they know, but only cares if one special person shows up (their significant other). They aim for a perfect night, but doesn't care if it falls short because they married the love of their life and that's all that matters to them.They find them self staring lovingly at their lover throughout the whole time secretly hoping this day never ends.

 Pisces: In awe that the day they been dreaming of for the longest amount of time is finally here. They want to bring their fantasies into reality and stick close to their partner the whole night whispering sweet nothings into their ear.

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