Chapter 10: The first Pay Check!

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"Wow, that was so much fun Snake was all like, your under arrest, and then he was like, bang bang, and then..." Says Wilde.
"Yeh, I did most of the work though!" Says Oscar.
"Umm, yes you all did very well and so you are an official chief detective, we congratulate you on finishing your first assignment. And so your pay check."  Says the old man.
" ooh, goody goody goody!" Says Bronte.
The man hands over an hour envelope containing Snakes well earned money. Snake takes it with great joy, he wasn't  showing the joy but was absolutely full of joy, his first ever pay check, the bundle of joy in his hand that he was so proud of. "However just before you have it, would you mind doing one more assignment, please." Says the man.
Snakes face darkens more than usual and he loses the feeling of joy in an instance.
"What would that job be?" Says Wordsworth.
"Umm, well it is another murder, however it was apparently done by a... Ghost. We would like you to exterminate the ghost and report back. Then you may have your pay check. The ghost is said to be underneath the queens castle it was a guard that died whilst checking the lower cells. Good look and we will meet soon." Says the man.
And with that the second assignment began, however with a bit of a twist, the murderer is a ghost!

The Chronicles of Snake (Black Butler)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora