Fan girls

386 15 1

:Creepy:Hey Jeff give me back my iPod

:Jeff:Nope, I CAME IN LIKE A WAKING BALL!!!!!!!!

:creepy: oh my god, stop listening to my songs.

Jeff just turned it up louder.

:Creepy: Fine you asked for it.

Creepy makes a call to a little fan club.

2 hours later


:Jeff: take your f**king iPod just make em go away

:creepy: thanx Jeff but no

:Jeff: what

Creepy pushes Jeff out the window

:creepy:HAVE FUN

:Jeff: stop it you spoons of zargo EPP!
don't touch there, no stop, help me SLLLLLLEEEEENNNNNNDDDDYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

:slendy: where's Jeff

:creepy: he's being raped by fan girls.....again.

:slendy: oh no not again JEFF IM COMING FOR YOU!!!!!!

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