My sister and I play on the frozen pond on the edge of town our mother forever complaining we'll fall in. I promised we would be fine we did this every winter in Stormwind, besides I was only ten and my sister seven. Our mother knew I would protect her. We were having fun and sliding over the ice like we had done all week, but just as I turned away for one second I heard a Yelp, I turned back and there was my younger sister impaled on the blade by a rather dark figure, his eyes burning blue out of his helm and he wore all black with armour here and there, he was clad in skull armour.

His blade was smoking blue, it had a skull on it and it had horns on it, I felt like I was paralysed by his stare, but it was soon broken as my parents came running to me. The armoured figure dropped his hand and I found myself falling on to the ice, I began to shiver. I watched as my parents chased him off, they ran to my sister first. It seemed like all this was happening in slow motion, I saw my parents were crying and I knew my sister was dead, my father cradled her in his arms, crying hysterically.

Me on the other hand I was beginning to lose consciousness, I noticed blood leaking on the ice I pressed my hand to my nose and I realised it was bleeding. My mothers words were muffled to me, and I became limp in her arms and I soon passed out. I wake up,but not at home, I was in a cave of some kind, I was lain on some kind of ice altar, I was chained down, I could hear something like someone sharpening a blade. I raised my head a little and there sat the same figure. But his helmet was removed, his hair was pale white, his eyes a burning blue and his armour seemed to be glowing but he looked familiar to me.

"Glad to see you finally awake!" He exclaimed

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"Glad to see you finally awake!" He exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, all I remember was playing on the ice with my sister.

"You fell under my spell, eight years have passed" he answered soothing my confused mind, it was almost like he could sense it.

"What?!" I exclaimed loudly causing my voice to echo around the walls.

"You my dear haven't aged, you were encased in a shell of ice made by my own hand" he explained.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Because I was shown your future through the eyes of another powerful Mage by the name of Gul'Dan. He showed me your potential to be an undead warrior and you were perfect, you were exactly what the Ebon Hold needs" he said smiling sinisterly at me, with a click of his fingers the shackles released themselves and I could sit up properly. I looked around and saw a crystal clear water fall in the corner of the cave, but it was illuminated with a blue glow. It was beautiful. "When you're ready my dear, you step through that waterfall and you will be your correct and rightful age. I will meet you on the other side" he told me, he stood up and began to pad away his armour clinking and chinking as he walked I watched until he disappeared from my sight.

I got up and slid off the altar and made my way to the waterfall, I was a little Skeptical and didn't know what to expect, I rested a hand in the water, it began to glow blue and my hand was turned to a Ivory colour, I took a deep breath in and wandered through it completely, the cold water was soothing and relaxed me slightly as I walked through I found myself walking into a deep pool which began to glow an even brighter blue, but pain bubbled around me it felt like my soul was being ripped from my very person, I fought to keep hold of it, but it became a dwindling battle, I was tired and allowed my soul to leave. I felt numb, cold and lifeless.

I looked at the figure reflected back at me in a crystal. I was taller, my skin snow and my long chestnut hair was now reduced to Ivory with black tips, my once loving, warm brown eyes were replaced with cold, glowing emotionless eyes. I didn't recognise myself, I looked like something from a nightmare. I wasn't the sweet young girl anymore, I and become an undead soldier.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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