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"You're sure you're ready?" Dad asked for the 6th time since reaching the airport. I sighed, rolling my eyes, "Dad, I'm ready. Seriously." Dad nodded, "Well... Alright then. See you later." He said, patting me on the back, before turning around and walking out as if I was just a friend heading out on a business trip for a few days, instead of his son leaving to live across the country with absolutely no contact for who knows how long. I shook my head, making my way through security and into the plane that would take me to the tiny town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, where I would stay until further notice.


Taking a deep breath, I climbed out of the taxi and grabbed my suitcases from the trunk before paying the driver. I looked at my surroundings - my new home. There was a large, off-white house surrounded by trees, a quiet road and a few small children playing outside. Cute.
I made my way up to the front door, knocking anxiously. Moments later, a woman answered, smiling. "You must be Sam. I'm May Forester; your uh... your new mother, I guess." I nodded and smiled, "I uh, I like your house. It'll be the nicest place I've ever lived for sure."
May chuckled slightly, "Well why don't you come in and I'll show you around." I followed her in silently, trailing her like a puppy as she made her way through the house, finishing at a bedroom on the second floor. "Well, here we are. Your room." May said, opening the door. I smiled politely as she left, telling me to get settled and that she'd call when dinner was ready.
Once she was back downstairs, I went into 'my' room, setting down my single bag of belongings on 'my' bed. I could tell May had decorated it to look as much like a normal teenage boy's room as she could; there were tan walls, a twin bed in the corner with a plain black comforter and pillow, a bean bag chair, a dresser, a matching desk, a small TV, and various posters of popular athletes and musicians hanging on the wall. I closed my eyes for a moment, sitting down on the bed, just trying to wrap my head around everything. This is my room. This is my home. This is my town. And tomorrow, I'll start at my school.
Jeez. Tomorrow. That gives me almost no time to adjust. But I guess I'm used to it. This is the third time I've had to accept a new identity for myself, but it had never been for more than a few weeks. This could last for months.

How the hell am I supposed to pull this off?

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