Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

            As we were getting closer to the posh hotel that would be our home for the next month, I smiled as I thought of how comfy the beds must be. Laura, having the ability to read me like an open book, looked over at me and said, "Thinking about the beds, huh?" "Spot on," I replied. We pulled up, somewhat near the entrance of the hotel, when I realized the scene was wrong. There was supposed to be glass revolving doors with gold outlining, and a nice man that opened the door for you, and ladies walking down the street with their dogs on leashes, but instead, there was a large mob of teenage girls surrounding the doors.

            Camera flashes went off at random intervals, and the screams of the girls could be heard through the thick glass of the limo. I groaned as the image in my head was distorted by the awful reality. I noticed a few black range rovers parked in front of us, just at the mouth of the mob. All of a sudden, a team of security came out from the front doors of the hotel and began pushing girls back, forming a walkway for whoever was in the car ahead to walk easily into the hotel.

            "Must be a big deal," I muttered. After a short period of time, the car door of the range rover in the middle eased open. A head poked out of the door, but I didn't get a view as people began blocking my view. I noticed Laura was being awfully quiet, whereas she would usually be giving me rules and instructions, and sometimes even an itinerary. "Laura?" I asked, "Aren't you going to give me my schedule and rules and everything?" She looked at me and replied, "You don't need one, you'll be around me most of the time, and when you're not, I'll just text you if you're needed."

            I realized that something was wrong. She wasn't telling me something and it was killing me. "Laur? What aren't you telling me?" I kept my voice even. "Why would you think I was hiding something from you?" she said, answering my question with a question. I sadly realized that she wasn't going to explain to me what she was hiding anytime soon, so I dropped the topic. I decided to change the subject since the tension in the car was very noticeable. "Who do you think that is up there?" Obviously, my answer hit a soft spot seeing as she tensed up. She began stuttering as she spoke, drawing out each word, doing a poor job at concealing her nervousness. "Wh-why wo-would know?" I looked at her confusedly and shook my head at her peculiar demeanor.

            I decided to let her off the hook. For now, seeing as whatever she had been hiding was obviously a large secret that would come tumbling out at any moment. It's not that she is untrustworthy; she's just not the best at concealing her feelings, which usually notifies me of when she hiding something.

            I glance back at the scene ahead of us but realize that the range rovers are gone, and whoever caused the mess was already inside of the building. I let my head roll back onto the top of the seat as the driver slowly pulled the vehicle forward. He pulled up to the mouth of the mob and turned back to speak with us. "We have arrived," he said quickly. I gulped as I realized that people were starting to pay attention to the limo instead of the hotel. I took a deep breath in and mentally prepared myself for the ambush waiting for me.

            Laura, noticing my nervousness, grabbed my hand between hers and slowly rubbed her thumb over the top. I looked at her and she sighed. "You'll be okay, just pretend they're not there," she said to me. I nodded and began to shift my body towards the doors of the car. "Let's do this," I said as confidently as I could. She smiled at my sudden boost of confidence and prepared herself to get out of the car first when the doors opened. The inevitable happened and suddenly, I found myself standing in front of a very large crowd of people. "Oh my god," was all that came out from my mouth.

            For a minute, there was no sound, only silence. There were no camera flashes and there were no screaming girls. Everyone just stared at me, and I feared that there was something wrong with the way I looked. All too soon, the crowd roared with the distant shouts of my name being heard. One particular voice stood out over all of the others, bringing tears to my eyes. "Ella, you slut! You're not pretty enough to be a model, do us all a favor and go to hell!" They shouted. I looked down and tried walking but something made me stop and listen. Two girls that were standing right beside the rude announcer apparently did not like her choice of words and were having a go at her. I realized I should probably stop that, but I was being pushed towards the doors, and soon enough I was inside the lobby of the posh hotel.

            I took in my surroundings and gasped at the beauty and simplicity of the area. I could only imagine what the rooms looked like if this was the state of the lobby. There were four gold pillars, spread out towards the check-in desk, and behind the check-in desk were metallic swirly plates varying in different sizes. Three chandeliers hung at different points in the room, with gold trimmings surrounding them. There was a small brown coffee table and a very nice looking couch towards the left of the room, as well as the right side, but on the right side, there was large floor to roof Chinese lanterns.  The hotel could on be described in one word: beautiful. It was so simple, yet so posh looking that it was merely beautiful to look at.

            I turned my head towards the sound of Laura calling me to the elevators. I realized that she had already checked us in and got our room keys in the time that I spent gazing around at my surroundings. I headed over the white and old elevator doors, waiting for the lift to arrive. "What floor are we on?" I asked Laura. "The one below the penthouse, we could've had the penthouse, but it was taken," she responds. "Oh," is all I reply with.

            The elevator soon dinged, indicating that the doors would be opening and that we could go settle into our room. I let out an excited squeal as the thoughts of the bed came once more. Laura laughed as my childishness as the elevator zoomed up towards the second to top floor. The doors opened and I rushed out of the elevator, scurrying to the room. It only then occurred to me that I had no idea what room I should have been heading to. I stood, waiting for Laura to catch up so we could enter whichever room was ours, but she was taking too long so I decided to walk back towards her.

            She grinned as she held the card in one hand, and her bag in the other. We began walking towards the left side of the hall. We walked until we stopped in front of the third door down from the elevator. Laura quickly slid the keycard in and out and opened the door to our home for the next two weeks, or month and a half.

            As I walked in, I gasped out the scene ahead of me. There were hardwood floors covering the entire ground, and a large dresser sat against the middle of the wall. Across from the dresser was a large bed that looked ever so fluffy. It had a pale gold headboard, with vibrant gold designs around it. A little vanity sat in the corner of the room, with a gold mirror hung on the wall above it. The room also had a small table with little hotel complimentary gifts, and a white chair with gold accents, complete with a small footstool.

            For the millionth time that day, I grinned out of complete content. The room was perfect. Only one thing was wrong. There was only one bed. "Laur? Are we sharing a bed?" I asked curiously. Laura vowed to never share a bed with me ever since she discovered my tendencies to kick and thrash around in my sleep. Last time she slept in my bed, she woke up with many bruises covering her arms and legs. She looked down and muttered something I couldn't hear.

            "What?" I asked. "I said, I'm not sleeping in here," She replied louder this time. "Where are you sleeping?" I asked, scared that she would be leaving me. Instead of replying, she turned to walk to a door I hadn't noticed before. She looked over at me and opened the door. I glanced into the room and saw an exact replica of my room, except for the fact that it was mirrored. "So I have my own room?" I said. "Yup," she replied with a smile. I squealed at the phenomenon and quickly hurried back to my own room, wanting to get settled down.

            I collapsed down onto my bed and just lay there, letting everything sink in. All too soon, thoughts of Harry came to me, making me wonder what he's up to. I tried to push the thoughts away, but they stayed in my head, creating a tornado of misery for me. I buried my head in a pillow, trying to make them leave. Of course, it didn't work. Whenever Harry is concerned, I find it harder to control myself. It's as if, he has me under some type of spell, which allows him to control me. Memories of him flood through my mind at the worst moments. One moment I'm okay, and then I'm not. All because of broken promises.

            Part of me wants to erase him from all of my memories so I won't have to feel this pain, but another, a bigger part of me likes the memories of him.  Thinking of him makes me want to smile and cry at the same time. It hurts, but it helps in ways I'll never fully understand. In other words, love sucks. No matter how hard you fight something, the inevitable always occurs, and in less than no time, you find yourself being forgotten.

            I don't think I'll ever forget Harry Edward Styles. I don't think I could, even if I tried. It's not possible when everywhere I turn, something to do with One Direction or Harry Styles is standing in front of me.

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