The Phone Call

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"What do you mean you can't find her!" Jessica Blackheart raised her voice at her husband, her face stricken with disbelief. " You said you were going to take care of it."

"Honey I'm doing all I can. I got half of my precinct looking for her ."  He argued,  trying to get closer to his wife.

"That isn't enough, I want that freak daughter of mine found and I want her dead. Both you and I know that collar we put on her won't last forever and when it does.."

"Speak no more of this. I promise I will find her, but you have to be more patient." He place a comforting hand up to her face  but she jerked it away.

" More Patient! More Patient! " She raised her voice. " That little brat of ours is roaming the streets doing God knows what and you want me to be More Patient! You must be out of your mind!" Jessica slapped her hands to her head and kept them there,  her irritation clear.  "Im just about to call the boys... " She threatened,  her hands grasped the phone on the countertop  and she started to dial.
"Don't! " Her husband's hand snatched  it from her and held it to his side.  "There is no need to call the boys. I promise you I can take care of it. "
"You said that over a week ago when there was a possibility of her being found. Over a week has passed,  our daughter is still missing and there is no trace of her anywhere,  so give me a reason why I shouldn't call the only people who can find her. "
He stood there in silence,  unknowing of what to say anymore,  Jessica's hands took the phone again but this time he didn't protest.  Her fingers lightly hit the dials and her face was no longer red. After a few seconds her fingers pressed the call button and a number of rings followed,  the phone was now pressed to her face then a hello came out of the other side.
"Hello John,  I have a job for the both of you, put Eric on the phone as well."

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