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Chapter 1

Marley Taylor

My name is Marley Taylor I’m 18 years old. I have hazel eyes, golden brown hair and light skin. I live in a little town in Washington State that is probably not even on the map, and everyone here knows each other. All I want to do is get out of here so anything you can think of that looks good on a resume I do. I go to Symphony High School or as one of my best friends Rorie calls it “Waste of Time” High. Rorie has blond hair with red highlights (artificial of course) and golden green eyes that change color (it’s pretty cool). She got into our school on a “scholarship,” which in our school basically means that she is “gifted” or something. Gifted in art, or music maybe. We’ll never know. She doesn’t care about college very much, like I do. She mostly cares about the boys in our grade, who I will get to later. My other best friend is Amber. She has blue eyes, black hair and tan skin. She got into the school for her athletic ability. Amber is what you call a “perfect child.” She is on the varsity soccer team, gets good grades and has a boyfriend; she does not have to try to be perfect she just is. She is always denying her perfectness. Lucky her…

Every year, our school sets up a trip for the graduated seniors to go on. It’s always really fun apparently. Anyway, for our senior class trip our school decided to do something nice for us, and I thought everything had a scientific explanation but there is no way to explain this… Our school is taking us to Hawaii, so they are going to divide us into 5 small planes (you know the small puddle jumper ones).       The ratio of girls to boys in our grade is not even. There are about 50 girls and 100 boys (we have a small school). Luckily according to the list they put up saying who is in what plane, I’m in the same plane as Rorie and Amber.

As I walk down the hallway to head to the school’s reading garden to tell Amber and Rorie about the planes (by the way I’m the first to know because I’m the student council president. There was no competition because I was the only one that ran…), I start looking around I see everything I usually see, the black and white stone floor, the grand hallway, the dark brown wood railings. Though the more I walk down the hallway, the more I feel a knot form in the bottom of my stomach. I feel like this may be the last time I’ll see this place. Usually I’d have no problem not seeing this place again but this feeling just makes me feel…scared. I’m almost at the garden when I see something that makes me smile. Rorie at the beginning of the year carved our names into the wood of a corner in the grand hall.

I remember Amber, Rorie, and I meeting in the grand hall because Rorie said she had something to tell us. When I walked in I saw Rorie leaning against a wood pillar with a smirk on here face her red streak covering her eye. Amber had a worried look on her face (somehow she always knows when Rorie is up to no good).

As I walk over Rorie out of nowhere yells at me “Stop!” Confused, I stop, then she continues once again, and the smirk returns. “Does anything here look out of place?”

I look around and turn to her and simply say, “No.”

She then stands up straight from the pillar and says, “Exactly and that’s what we’re going to change.” She then pulls out a pocketknife.

Amber then screams, “You’re crazy! Marley tell her she’s crazy!”

I just smile and say sarcastically to Rorie, “Ah so today is the day your finally going to kill us… well I should’ve seen this coming.” Amber’s head whips back at me.

“Not helping.” I just shrug. Rorie just starts laughing.

“Not today.” Then she points to corner and says; “We’re going to carve our names into that corner.” I give Rorie the thumbs up and Amber looks like she is ready to pass out but still gives a weak nod. Rorie then carves our names into the wall then states, “By the time they figure out we did this we will be long gone so don’t worry.” Then the bell rang and we all left to go to class.

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