Step 1: Ask her out

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Jongin licked his chapped lips as he stared at a female with large breasts as if she were a piece of meat. He turned around, smirking at his friend Sehun.

"Yo, do you think I'll be able to get her number?" Jongin asked in a confident voice. Sehun scoffed, pursing his lips as he tried not to laugh. "Y-yep.." he snickered, "You should ask about her cup size!"Jongin looked at Sehun with a confused expression on his face. He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think she has a cup in her that's not really relevant to what I'm trying to do. If anything, she'd have a water bottle, right?"

Sehun smiled and took a deep breath and held it, close to laughing. "Just ask about her cup size."

Jongin sighed as he gave in. "Fine, but if she's confused then anything that happens is all on you."

He put on an innocent smile and shuffled towards the girl standing by a tall maple tree. He tapped her shoulder and she turned around, biting her bottom lip."Hi. I think you're...uhm... I think...your..uh c-cute." Jongin put on an awkward smile. The girl smiled as she chuckled a little bit.

"I think you're cute too." She batted her eyelashes and twirled her hair. Jongin gulped as he glanced at Sehun, who was giving him a thumbs up.

"I guess the feeling's mutual then," Jongin felt relieved. It might actually go well this time. "Can I have your number? Maybe we could, I don't know, hang out?" The girl giggled and tore a piece of paper from a napkin in her purse. She wrote her name on the paper and a number. She handed it to Jongin and smiled.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you, what's your cup size? Small? Medium? Large?"

The girl blushed and looked down
"D-double D..." She whispered in embarrassment.

"Wait, you mean batteries?"

The girl squeaked and slapped Jongin's face, taking the paper back and running away. Jongin stood there in shock as Sehun died of laughter. Sehun stumbled over, laughing till is stomach hurt.

"O-oh m-my god you actually...HAHAHAHA!!"

Jongin felt so confused, "What the fuck??"

"Ah yes, innocence. Don't lose this trait, young one."

"I'm older than you."

"Whatever man." Sehun huffed, and glanced at an unsuspecting stranger. A petite male that he had to admit, had a nice ass. A perfect prank. "Yo, jong, look over there." Sehun pointed to the short male, "You should ask her out."

Jongin glanced over, his heart began to race. There really was something different with this one...but wait... "Isn't that a guy?" Jongin looked at sehun in confusion.

"Nah man, I'm like 99% sure that he-...she's a girl." Sehun corrected himself.

Jongin sighed and made up his mind. "Aight, I'm going for it."

Jongin gulped and strutted towards the girl. He tapped her shoulder and smiled, "Hey, I can't help but notice how adorable you are." He examined the person in front of him. A petite girl with heart shaped lips and innocent doe eyes. She blushed a deep red and giggled, pushing her short hair away from her face. Holy shit, she was really cute.

"Are you trying to make a move on me?" The girl's voice was deep. Strangely deep, but it was nice. In fact, he liked it better than the girl that he 'asked out' prior to the one now. 

"Maybe I am!" Jongin's voice cracked, making him cover his face in shame and embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, I'm panicking, you're just so cute and small and my type I just-"

The girl giggled again, making Jongin's heart swell. "Hey, do you want to trade numbers?" The girl said, smiling brightly. She took out her phone, which had a pastel pink pororo case, and waited for a response.

"Y-yeah. Sure." Jongin pulled out his iPhone, and they switched phones. They typed in their numbers and added themselves to their contacts. Jongin put his name as 'Your lovely Jongin <3' and handed her phone back. She gave Jongin his phone back as well and laughed at the name that Jongin set himself as. He looked at the girl's name and smiled.

"Your name is Kyungsoo?"

"Yep." Kyungsoo confirmed, putting emphasis on the 'p'.

"I like your name. Well Kyungie, would you like to meet up one day? Like to a movie or something?" Jongin used his newly made nickname for her, making her blush once again.

"You mean a date?" Kyungsoo looked down shyly "I-I mean sure...only if you want to..."

"I'm glad!" Jongin suddenly felt giggly, "How about we meet up at the outdoor mall near Busan? Maybe around noon on Monday?" 

"I'll be there." Kyungsoo responded, "I have to go, my friend is gonna get pissed if I wait any longer. It was nice to meet you" Kyungsoo gave her goodbyes and began walking away, leaving Jongin awestruck. He walked back to Sehun, who was laughing his ass off.

"How was it? Did you get his number?" Sehun hiccuped, tears were in his eyes, not realizing he was about to blow his cover, "I-I mean her number?"

"Dude..." Jongin  whispered, eyes wide.

"What?" Sehun questioned

"I think I'm in love."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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