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Its been 5 years since Az5 became an AZ, now that she's 5 years old...

Can't believe a baby found in a pile of ink in the middle of the forest became an AZ, Welp, look at her now...I dunno why, but...I'm surprised that this AZ has the eye of the creator of the AU...AZ AU that is...the only thing I like about this lil AZ, is that she supports my relationship...she uses her drawings....

I was sitting down on the table guarding 5, because, she keeps on wandering around, I felt sleepy. I wonder if its okay to let her roam around...THE DANGEROUS STREETS OF AZ WORLD, HELL NO! I do not want to get hit in the crotch by a frying pan. I felt like squinting my eyes...just for a bit. I actually fully closed them, I quickly opened my eyes to check if 5 is still sitting down, but what I saw was nothing, oh Jesus....I heard a knock on the door, I slowly peeked outside the window next to the door and saw two silhouettes, I finally realized that one of those silhouettes is the one who's gonna hit me in the crotch with any object in this house if she finds out that 5 is gone. I quickly closed the curtains, ran upstairs, and tied a piece of metal around my crotch region, for protection of course...

Why is he not opening the door, "why isn't the door opening?" 2 asked, I got worried. I felt someone tug on my jeans, I looked down to see 5, why is she out here? 5 went up to the door and opened it...

I heard the door click open, oh shit, that's not good...I thought it was fucking locked, holyshit!!!! I rushed downstairs and saw the door open...

AZ4: heeeeeyyyyy....
AZ2: 4, why is she outside??
AZ4: well, its because....

I saw 5 climb on 2's head, she held a piece of paper and held it in front of 2's face...

AZ2: 'I wanted to play outside'?

2 read what 5 said...what is she doing?

AZ3: awe, why didn't you bring 4 with you...
Az5: *writes on paper* 'he looked tired, he needed to rest'

SHE'S DEFENDING ME, That's it my lil apprentice, she will make a good wingman someday, but that's not what I'm so happy about, I'm just happy that there's not gonna be pain in my crotch, she really is a lifesaver...

AZ3: OK, that's all we were checking on...

They both left...what, are you serious...*sigh*I looked down at 5 to see her emotionless face...

AZ4: hey 5...ya wanna go for a little stroll around the park...
Az5: *nods*

We went outside and teleported to The park. Once we got there we sat down on one of the nearby benches...I looked up to see the beautiful skies an felt the cool day breeze brush through my hair... But 5 looked uncomfortable...

AZ4: what's wrong lil 5?
Az5: *nods no*

I don't know why...but, I think I know why she's uncomfortable...

Forsaken....they couldn't save him...but, in the forest where he let out his final breath...on his ink corpse...we found...a baby....with a star for a cornea on its left eye...I didn't know what to do...the only thing I thought of was to make it an AZ...and raise it...

5 stood up and signaled me that she wants to go home...Welp, okay then...

Time skip...

Narrator's perspective
When 4 and 5 was at the house...a ring was heard on 4's was a battle emergency...he quickly made a portal to the location where the battle is and dashed in, but what he didn't knew that someone else accompanied him...

At the location...

What a surprise, the portal led 4 to the negative world...the opposite dimension of AZ world...with their opposite counterparts...what AZ4 saw in front of him was negative 4...

-AZ4: Hehehe, looks like ya got the signal...
AZ4: so that's why huh, ya wanna fight!?
-AZ4: hell ye-

Suddenly, negative 4 felt a powerful kick on his face...4 was shocked on who gave his negative counterpart the was the lil Az5...

-AZ4: ow, you lil runt!
Az5: *throws rocks at him*
-AZ4: Yer starting to annoy me, lil brat...
Az5: *stomps on him*
-AZ4: Quit stomping on my stomach!!! OWWW!!
Az5: *stomps on his face*

Negative 4 was annoyed, he pushed 5 off and ran...then suddenly...4 and 5 were teleported at the AZ palace...what shocked 4 was that 5 was sitting at the great AZ's chair...or throne...then 4 saw AZ1, 2 and 3 rush through the gate...

AZ1: I knew it!!
AZ2: why is 5 sitting there?
AZ3: what did she do?
AZ4: i-umm....

She deserved to sit there...

AZ3: what?

She will be the ruler of AZ world...


AZ4: A-a 5 year old will rule AZ world...

BTW, If ya don't know what AZ is
AZs are mostly linked to undertale
But some are fnafers like me!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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