Chapter 1-characters

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Caramel skin, slim body, and a rocking style. Black and Puerto Rican, with a beautiful singing voice killer smile, and a personality to die for.

Chris Hanserd sounds like everything a perfect man could be. But, he's not quite there. Chris is 20 years old, but is still under his parents roof. Its not the safest neighborhood to live in, but its home until his mom gets her promotion, and when his dad is finish filling out the paper work so that they can get all of his Puerto Rican finance shipped to America. But, if he was given an even better pay, and Used his money more wisely he wouldn't be living there. His parents offer him money, but he He doesnt take it. He goes by one of his dads sayings from when he was a boy, "A real Man will work hard for what he wants." Chris belives in it so much, that he buys everything he owns with his own little money.

Chris kept his circle small, but not by choice. He has no girlfiend, because who wants a guy whos still inside his parents home? And he has barely any friends, because who wants to hang around a guy with money?Every since he graduated high school, he lost contact with all of his old pals. Except one, Brianna Sanders. --Brianna is a cacasion female and is the same age as Chris.-- But, she's so far away from L.A, all the way in Florida. He and Brianna has been close friends since freshman year, and were unseprateable since. Until senior year came and they graduated. She got accepted in a college down in Florida but they never lost contact, still as close as they were back then.But, he's lucky enough to see her 2 times a year, For Christmas, And Coachella which they are both excited for.

You see, Coachella for Chris is like a getaway. He even spends his last on a ticket. Its basicy life for him. Especially since he loves to sing. Thats actually what he's starting school for in the winter. Music, but more on the vocal side.Every since he was a child, that was all he did. His voice was never noticed, due to his parents who didn't think about putting him on YouTube. But, are now fully regreting it because by now, he could really pass as being the next Frank Ocean, ignoring his Sexual Orentaion. He's always loved listening to Franks music, never missing a beat or a lyric to any song he featured in whenever he sang along, especially if he really likes it.

Speaking of things Chris really likes, he loves his job, at Frosty's Ice Cream Parlor. And not because of the fact that theres Ice Cream avalible. But because of a girl that comes to the shop everyday. No one knows her, or anything about her really. She just comes in and sits, ordering nothing. But he doesn't mind, he enjoys basking in her glory, even if he gets side tracked from customers. Her dark brown skin, small pettie bodie, and black short natural curly hair. She kind of resembles Justine Sky, without the purple hair or tall, long body. But, one thing he does know about this girl, is that shes gorgeous.

The girl that we speak of, and that no one knows anything about, her name is Sierra Grimm.

Sierra on the other hand, is a whole 'nother story. The young 19 year old girl, has been having everything handed to her on a silver platter. Fancy house, Lots of friends, foreign cars, the whole nine yards. With both of her parents having good paying jobs, her moms a Lawyer, and her dad Is an obstetrician, delivering babies. But, that means that her parents are always gone. Leaving her home alone. So what does she do on her alone time? She goes to Frosty's Ice Cream Parlor, leading to the frequent seeings of Chris.

The only reason she's there is because she's new to that part of L.A due to her parents travling, and its the only place she's familiar with there. Also for the cool airconditioning to get out of the hot July sun.She goes and sits until it closes, not bothering to order because she's not too fond of ice cream. She stays until she's done lounging around, then goes to the hell hole she calls home.

Don't get her wrong, she loves having a roof over her head. But, sierra doesn't really want the life she has. She wants something normal, she wants to have her own house, and job. But, she's been given everything her whole life, that she doesnt know how the real world is.

She is in college though, for music. But more on the sound, beats, and audio side. Thats another reason why she's at the Parlor, she does her school work there due to the quietness it provides.

Since she's new to that side of town, one of her friends is taking her to a huge concert, Coachella, for a welcome gift. Sierra glady took the offer, since it could give her time to mingle with guys, and most importantly. Smoke.

The main reason why she hates being home is because her parents are very strict over little things. And smoking is one of the biggest things but theres no point because they know how big of a "obsession" Sierra has for weed.

It all started when she was 14. Her and a couple of friends stayed late after school, and one boy by the name of James Tibbs,pulled out a rolled blunt. He lit it and passed it around. And when it got to Sierra, she took in a long drag. Everyone cheered and clapped because she was the goody two shoes of the group. But what they didn't know, is that it lead her on a road to disaster, that would cause her to be dead meat if her parents or friends found out.

By the age of 16 she became addicted, and began doing porn with her dealer for money and weed. But only because she trusted him, and they share dark dark memories. You see, the weed she smokes is rare. And is very exspensive, so hey why not go fuck the only guy who grows it?

I bet your wondering : "What kind of weed is it for her to go wild?"

Well, Sierra doesn't have the greatest memory. But, one thing that is still fresh on her mind is that right before she fell into her first high, she remembers hearing someone ask what kind it was, and James Answering :

"It's Novacane."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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