thank-you note.

2.2K 63 22

thank you all so much for your support,

most of you have supported me from the beginning,

with my books such as 'Every Wave' etc,

and you guys are still here for 'Desserted'

and I hope you will all continue supporting me,

throughout my journey of being an author.

I hope you all know,

that this book isn't meant to be triggering,

or to cause you guys to feel certain ways that you don't want to feel,

desserted is based on a true story,

and that story is my own,

though the ending is exaggerated etc,

it shows the realisitic ending to a fighting journey,

and it shows the way things truly are with people being Anna's and Sue's.

btw I did not create Anna's and Sue's or the terms that they are,

as they are from a book called griEVE,

which I read recently, 

it is a great book and you should read it.

Most authors here on wattpad show being a Anna and a Sue,

as being a rollercoaster,

in most cases it is,

but when they show people winning the fight and losing the fight,

it's all so cliche,

I mean the cliche goes that if you find love and get this little safety net,

built underneath you that you will survive your trauma,

and then there is the cliche of if you have no one you can't survive etc.

but you rarely see people,

build this safety net,

and want to survive their trauma,

just to fall and land in their safety net,

just to bust a whole in that safety net,

and land with some broken bones etc,

which is in fact the reality of being an Anna or a Sue.

So anyways thank you guys so much for your supporting,

and reading my story,

thanks for everything,

you guys are the reason I can survive my rollercoaster,

and the reason i dont fall through my safety net.

desserted (brooklyn's story)Where stories live. Discover now