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your smile, your lips, yours curls, your emerald green eyes when we touch i feel loved i feel wanted

but you arent always like this your smile can be evil, your lips shaped in an evil smirk, i swear u can

see the devil horns that peak from ur curls, and your eyes no longer emerald but a shade of dark

green your touch can hurt and so can mine but we both know we hurt each other so much why do

we stay togheter is it love or lust is itn god that keeps us together through thick and thin i hope you

know i can leave any timei havent read my vows and dont plan on reading them to u do i love u

or do i think i do all i know is when god gives u love dont push them or u might just loose them

but what do u mean to me and why do i care why cant i get the answers is any one out there

i need the answers i cant live like this forever one more day of your evil side and ill be gone

forever hell watch me leave i just want that smile smie those lips those curles and those emerald

green eyes back i just want my other half back the one that makes me happy as much as i hate to

admit it even if i have niall harry i love u i want u the one that broke the promises

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