Foggy Memory

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You awaken feeling a rocky cold surface below you. The air is crisp and chilly, making every breath fill your lungs with cold air. You open your eyes to see you are inside of a cave. The stoney surfaces are tinged a peculiar shade of purple. You sit up rubbing your forearm across your face and forehead. You blink sleepiness away. The chilly air in the cave helping to wake you up naturally. You let out a yawn and stand up to stretch your limbs.

The cave is dimly lit. Your eyes carefully scan the cave and you spot a few candles in candelabras lighting the way to a brighter location, presumably the entrance. You wipe yourself off, in case you had gotten dirt on yourself from sleeping on a cave floor. You try to remember how you got here in the first place.

The last thing you remember was... Loud noises...Unstable grounds...Screaming...Flickering flames...Fear...Running away down a dark alley with only a torch in hand for light... Almost pitch blackness if it weren't for the stars twinkling in the night sky...You remember a warm cottage...Feeling safe....Being read a story about slaying monsters...Falling asleep in a comfy makeshift bed...Then you remember being abruptly woken up...Guards? Arguing? You remember sneaking out of the house through a back entrance way... You remember stumbling over your own feet groggily... You remember almost tripping...The sounds of guard dogs barking out in the distance as they searched for someone or something. You had a leather bound red book with weird symbols etched on the cover. You held it tight to your chest as you ran...

You blink and stop remembering what happened. You glance at the floor in the cave, and see a book. The same book from your memory... You reach for the leather book and grab it. The cave air sends a chill up your spine. You still can't remember how you got here... You decide to follow the candles lighting your way through the dim cave.

Something seems amis, but you can't quite place what. You check one of your pockets and find a pocket watch and handwritten note. All it read was,

"If you ever get hungry, find the merchant and trade this watch with this note for food saying 'You owe George a favor, food for this watch repays your debt' then they should supply you with enough food for you to survive until I find you again. Stay safe young ruler."

You realized then that you don't even remember your own name. You don't remember your past much. Why did this George person call you a young ruler? What in the world is even going on? Your thoughts spin faster as you walk briskly through the cave quickly to the entrance. The sun was just setting. You scanned your surroundings. There were lots of trees nearby. A forest if you will. You recognize the forest. You decide it would be safer to brave the night in the cave. You followed the candles back towards your original waking place. You will decide what to do at sunup.

(End Chapter)

My chapters will most likely be very short like this. I won't update super often so please don't rush. I will be surprised if this gets any reads tbh.

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