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5 years later.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Joselyn happy birthday to you" everyone sung to Joselyn,
Omg! my baby is growing to fast, she's five today! That's unbelievable!

After everyone left Joselyn's birthday party it looked as if she was talking to herself, I went out side to hear her saying,
"My mum and you went out?"
What..... so I kept listening,
"Joe your my uncle right?" Then she started laughing "I thought so, my mummy misses you, I hear her crying sometimes at night, one night I asked her what's wrong and she said she misses my uncle, and that's you Joe, uncle Joseph"
I covered my hand with my mouth as I cried, "Joselyn?"
"Yeah mummy?" She asked as she faced me,
"Who are you talking to?" I asked as I sat down on the swing next to her,
"I'm talking to Joe, he is right there!" She replied as she pointed in front of her,
"Honey, it's not a good thing to make up stories, why are you talking to yourself?"
"Mummy, he is my" she thought for a while, "what's the word again Joe?" A few seconds slipped away as she replied "entitivity" "oh, entity"
"Joe?" I asked in disbelief,
"Mummy he said yes"
"You can hear him?" I asked,
"Duh, since I was very, very little" she replied with a giggle,
I smiled at her, "are you sure?"
"Jodie she's sure, I'll never leave you" Joe said faintly,
I smiled and smiled at Joselyn, I stood up from the swings and entered the house, Kevin came into the kitchen where I stood,
"Hey" I replied,
"Would you ever marry me?" He asked out of the blue,
I looked up at him and smiled, "Yes, I would why where is this coming from?"
He got down on one knee..... what? Omg!
"Jodie Anderson would you like to be Jodie Franks?" He asked as he opened up a box that revealed a beautiful ring, "yes, Yes! Omg! Yes!!!" I screamed,
He slipped the ring onto my hand, stood up and I hugged him followed by a kiss,

Things don't always end the way you expect them too, what if Joe was the one asking me this question? If he had a child with me? What if Kevin and I never hooked up? Would Joe still be alive? Or not or would he even be the one standing at the end of the aisle waiting to be mine.... Not that I don't like having Kevin and Joselyn in my life, it's just that I don't think Joe should've died....

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed reading this book, thank you my #1 fan JasmynMaw for supporting me through my crap and throughout this book, if you'll like I'll do an epilogue, but we'll see

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