Just Moved

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Alex just moved into Norrisville and she is going to Norrisville High School. Alex isn't your normal average girl, she is actually an S-Class ninja, here to help the ninja of Norrisville. She was the first ninja in her village, and the reason she is here is because she defeated all the evil there. Alex has long dark blue hair with sky blue eye's with a very slime looking body (Bust: 40M cup, Waist:50 cm, Hips: 90 cm, Height: 5'8). By the way Randy is 6'8 ft.

~Alex's pov~

There I'm finished unpacking, all that's left is to sigh my transfer papers and pick my clothes out for school. I hope I can get along with everyone, this will be mt first time going to a normal school. All I did in my life was train in the forest protecting my people at home. I hope they all are happy and healthy. I go to the living room and watch T.V. after finished eating dinner, then I went to bed excited to go to school.


I make breakfast after getting ready for school and dead straight to the door to leave. As I walk out I heard a voice behind me. "Hello, are you new to Norrisville?" It was a boy with dark hair with dark blue eye's. "Yes, I just moved to town yesterday." I said, "My name is Alex Zelena, and you are?" 

"I'm Randy Cunningham. Are you going to Norrisville High."  I nodded my head yes. "I' heading there right now, what grade are you in?" He asked.

"I'm in the 9th grade." 

"Cool, I'm in the 9th, too."

We talked while walking to school and before I knew it, we were already at the school. He then took me to the principals office. I thanked him afterwards and waited for the principal to come. 

"Well, hello, are you the new student that transferred, My name is Principal Slimovitz. You must be Alex Zelena. Here is your schedule and I hope you have a fantastic time at Norrisville High, gooo CARPS!!!!!"

Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja (Randy x Alex)Where stories live. Discover now