The Trip 1

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Its Saturday and its Thanksgiving break. Me, Howard, Heidi, and our parents were heading to the bus stop Alex told us to meet her at. Our parents haven't really seen Alex yet so I hope they like her.

We all arrive at the bus stop where Alex was meeting us. We saw Alex waiting for us on the bench.
"Mom, Dad this is Alex Zelena she is the one that invited us on this trip," I said."She is also the reason we got an A+ on that project and for our As and Bs on those last tests."

"Hello Alex I'm Randy's mom and this is his dad."

"Hello I'm Howards dad and this is my wife."

"Hello, I hope you all enjoy my village."

The bus arrives and before we enter my mom says "Hey Randy, Alex is an amazing girl is she your girlfriend?" I said nothing with my face blushing.
"So Alex, what cool things do you and your village have this time of year?" I ask.

"Well my village has a lake, hot spring, and around this time of year we have a festival. It has games, food, amazing shows, and on the last day of the festival they have a fireworks show."

Everyone was excited to see what Alex's village was like.

We had arrived and we started walking towards the village. As we walk we see some beautiful nature grounds. A bunch of little kids ran towards us and jumped Alex, crying.
"Big sister we missed you!!!!" The kids said.

"Alex are these your brothers and sisters?" I asked.

"No, these are just the children in the village. They must have heard from my grandma that I was coming today."

"Big sister everyone in the village is waiting for you. Are they your surprise." The little girl asked.

Alex nodded her head and we followed the children to the village. Everyone was greeting Alex and they were so nice to us. We walked all the way to Alex's grandma's house. We went inside and the house was huge.

Alex's grandma came up to Alex and asked her about her life at Norrisville.
She then saw us standing behind Alex.
"Alex, would you mind telling me who they are?" Grandma said.

"Grandma these are my friends Randy, Howard, and their family. They are the surprise I said I had."

Alex's grandma gave us a big huge for making friends with Alex on the first day she came to school. She showed us around the house all the way to our rooms.
"Everyone once you get done unpacking, you can come to the living room and wait as I fix us dinner."

"Alex, you cook," Howard's mom said.

"Of course she can cook her food is so amazing that you could give your life just to have a bite," Howard said.

"And know this, how?" Mrs.Weinerman said.

"Well Mrs.Weinerman, Alex let us, and some other students stay at her house for a study session," I said.

Our parents said nothing they just surprised that Alex was smart enough for helping six students in getting passing grades in their failing classes.

"Well us mothers should help you with the cooking," my mom said.

"No, you are my guest I can't let you do any cooking, let me." As always Alex would be a great host for guest.

Everyone went into the living room while Alex went to the kitchen to make everyone dinner. As we're playing video games we here a knock on the door. Grandma then went up to open the door. She came back and a boy came in behind her.He had red hair and brown eyes. He looked like he was my age. He said his name was Ron and that he is a friend to Alex. As everyone was distracted my mom and Mrs.Weinerman were sneaking into the kitchen I followed them. But for some reason they stopped right in front of the kitchen. I went to see what they were staring at and they were staring at Alex. Of course they would, when Alex cooks she looks like a goddess in the kitchen and with everything she does. Every time I see her this way it's the same as the first time I saw her. We then went back to the living room so we wouldn't spook Alex.

Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja (Randy x Alex)Where stories live. Discover now