Younger years

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Reborn before he became a hitman was a normal, yet slightly sadistic, boy that loved anime and manga. He was definitely an otaku, a very enthusiastic otaku that did anything to get his hands on exclusive anime and manga. And that's what started his drive to start killing.

Every time someone said that they had something exclusive he would stalk them and creatively kill them with anything that was around. Pencils, pens, rocks, water, paper, twigs, you name it, were all used to kill any innocent people with something he wanted.

Now his parents were quite stupid compared to him, every time he brought in his prize they never asked where it came from. So when the police came knocking on the door they claimed they didn't know anything and police, as stupid as they were, left it alone. Meanwhile Reborn laughed in the corner reading his precious manga.

It was when he killed his 7th person that he found a treasure trove of anime and manga, being the greedy boy for anime and manga he was, he wanted all of it. With no way to take it all he killed all of the people in the house, the cat ended up becoming his, and the house became his second home. While his skill at the moment could be compared to a young mafia boss in training, in other words the same as Tsuna or Dino, he was certainly smarter than most. He knew that the house needed to be paid for so taking a page from one of his manga he tracked down a mafia hitman and demanded that he would train him.

At first the hitman refused but then saw his target being killed with a piece of paper and reluctantly agreed. In between training sessions Reborn read the manga in his treasure trove and to his surprise and unexpected delight it was mostly yaoi manga. At first he didn't think it would interest him but then he found himself reading 10 of them with a grin on his face. When his tutor found him like this he had him understand that it might be a weakness if someone else found out and used it against him but allowed him to continue due to the fact he was still a child and didn't want to bring him completely into the mess that was the mafia.

In about 2 months the hitman told him that he had learned everything he could teach and left saying that he could find hits with Vongola. Reborn took that to heart and after reading and watching all the anime and manga he had he headed for Italy.

At first people didn't take him seriously after all he was only 12, but as they continued to give him jobs they soon found that he was completing them faster and more efficiently than any normal assassin could. With that in mind they soon respected him greatly and gave him the title of the worlds greatest hitman when he turned 14 (what a great birthday present).

Not caring of his new title he continued with his work until he gained the attention of Checkerface, and that's where everything else began.

AN: *squeals* THIS IS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME!!!! But anyway the next chapter is going to take VERY LONG since I cut it off to post this chapter so sorry before hand. Next Chapter: Acrobaleno Time part 1.

New AN: Minor edits

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